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Jenny's pov

i sat in the car next to harry in the back seat as the driver took us to the hotel. my ears were still ringing from the show, i was wide awake now. looking out the window, i saw the other black cars, and thought about how relieved i'd be if i were in one of them with kayla and emily. being alone with harry in this car made me feel so anxious.

harry didn't seem bothered at all, he stayed on his phone as i avoided eye contact with him. it seemed like he didn't want to talk until we made it to his room.

his room. what was about to go down? he gave me no context, all i knew was that he had spoken to me in such a flirty way when he placed his hands onto my face before the show.

i mean, he could just have meant it in a friendly way— like hey, i see that you're going through some shit, we'll talk about it and solve this in my room after the show.
wow, trying to make it seem innocent sounded so ridiculous.

or he could've meant it in a different way, the way i was thinking— like hey, we'll "solve" this in my room after the show where i'll make you feel so much better.

oh god, which way was it? they were both so different.
any girl would be so happy right now, harry wanting you to come to his room alone. but i was only anxious, my stomach turning even more the closer we got to the hotel.

he could just want to talk with me, and then i'd be having this nervous break down for no reason and feel like an idiot. if i didn't have a thousand other things going on in my mind, i think i'd be fine with either way.

like i said, what i felt for harry was confusing. but the point was that i did feel something, which was bad because i felt the same way towards timothée. i'm horrible, i know.

it was the feeling that i could catch serious emotions, or just pretend like there's nothing there. it'd be considered a cute crush if i wasn't feeling this way towards the both of them.

when i entered harry's room, he walked in behind me after i heard the door close. he was still silent, driving me even crazier than i had been during the car ride. his room was larger than mine, so i had to walk further in to reach the center of it.

"okay, that's it, what is it that you want?" i asked as i turned around, surprised to see that he was standing right in front of me.

"are you with marley?" he asked.

"what? no." i said, furrowing my eyebrows just from the thought of him as i looked down at the ground.

he slowly raised my chin up with his finger, resting his thumb on it as he asked, "are you with timothée?"

oh...so the second way it is.

"huh?" i looked into his eyes, "no." i said.

though timothée and i had kissed, we were nowhere near being together—we haven't even talked all day, let alone spent enough time together to the point where we could consider being friends. if anything, the kiss we had felt like we were just starting to maybe become okay with each other.

he nodded slowly, "then why can't you see what i've been trying to tell you?" he asked, removing his hand to hold his own behind his back as he leaned down, getting closer to my face.

"could i be more obvious?" he asked.

"listen, if you're trying to make me feel better about what's going on with me, it won't work." i said, crossing my arms.

he laughed as he looked down, causing his hair to get in my face a bit before he looked back up as he said "you're joking, right? you don't see what i'm trying to say?" he raised his eyebrows a bit. "or do?"

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