Eddie X Juicy pt2

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yeah so ummmmm i fell asleep watching joshs videos so i didnt update this sorry

Now In Juicys POV           Again Names The Same

( Juicys Thinking Right Now )

I'm really scared if I got some kind of cold or something. I told Narrator about it and he suggested taking a pregnancy test? I don't know if I should but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

( Texts To Eddie , Juicys POV Still )

BN- Hey Eddie , we need to talk.

TSM- Ummm ok Is something wrong.

BN- Well no. But maybe yes.

TSM- Are you ok , what happened ? Did Narrator touch you??

BN- No No No , We were hanging out and I told him about my symptoms and he suggested taking a pregnancy test. I was hesitant at first but did it any ways.

TSM- Oh ok. so what does it say?

( Juicy Starts Crying Hopping Eddie Doesn't Leave Him )

BN- Ummm I-I uhh Its positive


BN- I understand if you want to leave.

TSM- What ?? no I'm not leaving you. Thats my baby you're carrying , and I'm not like that. Do you need anything because I'm heading over to your house now.

BN- OMG Tysm 🥰 I terrified you wouldn't want to deal with it and just leave. I don't think I need anything , but grab some drinks tho.

TSM- OFC I wouldn't ever leave you , your my little baby bean and I would do anything for you mi amor

BN- Aww Ed your gonna make me cry I love you.

TSM- Love you too , Ill be there soon . Is Narrator still there?

BN- Yes why?

TSM- ask him if he wants anything while Im out please

BN- He said just a coke , thanks love

TSM- Ok see ya soon.

(No longer in texts but still Juicys POV )

" So .... what did he say ? " Narrator asked seeing the tears running down my face. " H-He said he can't wait to have a baby. And we will stay with my no matter what " I answer as more tears rush down. " Aww honey bunches , Im so happy for you" he said hugging me , but not too tight because of the baby. " damn how have I not noticed how bloated looking I am ? " I asked Narrator. " I honestly don't know " He said , I laid my head on his shoulder and he rubbed my back, I was exhausted from that rush of adrenalin when telling Eddie. I soon fell asleep.

( Narrators Text To Eddie Eddies POV ) TM- Taco Man     NG- Narrations Guy

NG- Aww  look at him , he's so tired. 

TM- my little baby momma . Ill be home soon.

NG- don't rush it , he is asleep so I'm gonna put him in his bed.

TM- ok thank you so much for helping him.

NG- No problem man I'd do anything for this little dumbass

TM- LMAO alright see yall in 10

NG- oki bye honey bunches.

( Not Texts , Eddies POV )

I got to the gas station and grabbed a couple drinks for us then drove to Juicys house. I knock on the door a couple of times and Narrator answers the door, " Hey whats up dawg , Is Juicy in our room ? " I ask giving Narrator a hug " Yes he is but he's still sleeping " He said while I walked to our room , Juicy is so cute when he sleeps. I kissed him on his forehead and went back into the living room.

I hung out with Narrator for a bit but he had to go do something so we said our good byes and I went to go cuddle with my little baby momma. Juicy slept the whole time and finally woke up " Hey Mi Amor " I said playing with his hair. " Hi Edd " he said hugging me and burring he head into my chest." how did you sleep little baby momma ? " I asked knowing it was probably going to be a rough couple of months. " It was ok I guess , nothing much to write home about " He said , I chuckled and kissed him. He kissed back then I got up and picked him up taking him to the couch.

We watched movies until we fell asleep. Fast forward a couple of months and we were hanging out with Mully and Josh at a mall when all the sudden I heard water splashing on the ground then Juicy grabbing my arm " M-M-My water b-broke " He stuttered out as I looked down. I picked him up and rushed him out to the car, Mully and Josh told the people who owned that part of the mall and they cleaned up while we all sped to the hospital. Juicy was freaking out " hey baby , your going to be fine , ok . your going to have this baby and it will be the best thing ever " I said holding his hand as we got to the hospital. The nurses got him in a room and the doctor came to see how dilated he was, soon he was ready to have the baby. After many hours of Juicy screaming and him crushing my hand , we had our little baby girl " what is her name ? " the doctor asked.

" Her name is Veronica " Juicy said smiling at me, I kissed his head and he cried into my shoulder, " I know momma . You did this , we did this. " I said and hugged him. After 2 days we got the ok to go home. Mully and Josh came to visit every once and a while , but Narrator had moved a couple of days ago to another state so he couldn't see the baby. We face-timed hime when we got home , his heart melted when he saw the little Veronica. " I'm sorry I couldn't be there guys , I really wanted to " he said I could see tears form in his eyes , " its ok dawg when you come to visit then you get to see this cutie " I said and Juicy giggled.

They all lived happily ever after together THE END LUVS. 

Please let me know if you would like this to be its own book , because I really like it.

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