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Ok ok ok so by looking at the tittle it may seem like it's a poly ship (not that there's anything wrong with that) but it's not. This is based off of Josh's video and I'm dying after watching it for the like 4th time.

Mullys POV
I just got a babysitting job!! This isn't my first time but this guy is willing to pay me $40 an hour!!! Like holy fucking shit! I can't wait. As soon as I got the notification I texted my best friend Eddie.
E-Eddie. M-Me


E-Yo what's up dawg calm down!

M-sorry sorry. I just got an amazing babysitting job! They're paying me $40 a fucking hour!!!

E-Goddamn!! That's a lot! But I would be careful because usually if they're gonna pay you that much something is wrong with the kid.

M- I guess that could be the case but I'm keeping my hopes up. Alrighty mate I've gotta go , heading to the house now.

E-alright bye dawg. Stay safe and keep me updated.

M- you bet I will

I turned off my phone and grabbed my jacket before driving over to the people's house. "I hope what Eddie said wasn't true" I said to myself. I kept driving until I got to the house. "Goddamn this is huge!!" I said and sent Eddie a picture. I knocked on the door and a man came out. He was wearing a suit and clearly hadn't slept well for a while , seeing bags under his eyes and the sleepless look.

"Hi my names Mullen , but you can just call me Mully." I said and shook his hand. I saw his face light up and it was kind of a red flag but I put it to the side. "Hi! My names Grant but you can just call me Narrator, thank you sooo fucking much for agreeing to babysit the twins! It's been so hard to find a babysitter that will watch them." He said and that was another red flag I ignored. I walked inside and saw who I assumed were the twins he was talking about.

"Boys! Come say I to Mully!" He said and they ran to me. "Molly! Hi!" They said hugging me. I smiled and hugged them back. "Hey guys. What are your names?" I asked "I'm Josh!" The taller one said smiling wide. "And I'm juicy." The shorter one said also smiling wide.  I talked with Narrator for a little bit before he left. I sat on the couch to watch TV and the twins ran away to do what I guess was play games. It was fine for a little bit until they ran downstairs.

"Mully , we did something bad. Like really bad. Please don't be mad." Juicy said and I immediately got nervous. "Ok ok calm down what did you do?" I asked patting Juicy and Josh's head.  "Well we were in Narrators medical cabinet and we ........ took every single pill!" Josh said excitedly. "Yeah! Every single pill!" Juicy said just as excited. "Woah woah woah. What the fuck?!?" I said and Josh got a worried look on his face. "Umm Mully? What's a waxative?" Juicy asked before actually fucking shitting himself aggressively. "HOLY FUCK!!" I shouted trying to pick up Juicy just then Josh also shat himself. I didn't know what to do so I called Eddie.

"HOLY FUCK EDDIE MATE HELP ME!!" I shouted. "Dawg calm the fuck down! What's going on and what's that noise?" He asked and I took a deep breath. "Well I was watching TV and wasn't watching the twins so they got into the medical cabinet and now they are shutting themselves aggressively!!" I shouted and heard Eddie burst into laughter. "Did you just say shitting themselves aggressively?!??" He asked still trying to catch his breath. "Yes! Yes I fucking did! Now are you going to help me or not?!?" I asked. "Well sorry dawg , I don't deal with shit so you're on your own, byeeee."

He said before hanging up. I tried to calm myself down and it was hard to do whilst having two kids shitting themselves. I somehow got them upstairs to the bathroom and in the bath tub. I cleaned them up and did the only thing my years of childcare had taught me. I gave them some activated charcoal tablets then sent them to their rooms. I cleaned up all the shit and spent the rest of the night puking in the bathroom and crying. The worst part was that while I was talking to Eddie the twins ran around the house spreading shit EVERYWHERE!!

You don't know how amazing it felt when after 3 hours of puking my guts out and cleaning up shit Narrator finally came home. "Oh hey , I'm sorry for being slightly late traffic was terrible. I hope the twins weren't too much of a hassle." He said and I didn't want to bring up what happened. "Nope , they were great." I said. He handed me my pay check and it was $100 more than agreed before. I'm guessing he expected this so I didn't say anything. I left to go home and cry myself I sleep.

The End

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