JuicyXJosh Its Coming!!!

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Josh's POV
I woke up to see an empty yet , wet spot next to me. I was really worried when I realized Juicy wasn't next to me anymore. I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Juicy on the floor of the kitchen , panting and having really bad contractions. I ran towards him "Juicy!" I yelled as I knelt down to help him up. "Baby , why didn't you tell me when me when your water broke , we need to get you to the hospital?" I asked frantically trying to help . "You looked so peaceful while you slept and I know you don't get much sleep so I didn't want to wake you." He cried into my shoulder as another painful contraction hit him.

I felt so bad for him , I know I caused this but now I need to help him. I know these stupid contractions are getting worse and worse . "Just breath Juice. I'm going to grab your hospital bag and you need to get in the car." I said and kissed him. "Ok ahh thank you." He said trying to catch his breath. " I'll be out as fast as I can. I love you Juice." I said and ran upstairs. I grabbed his bag and ran back to the car.

Juicys POV
I didn't mean to wake Josh up but I'm glad I did. I'm so happy I'm not going through this alone and these contractions are getting worse by the hour. I saw Josh run to the car and start it. "Alright Juicy listen to me , we are going to the hospital now. Just stay strong for me , my love." He said holding my hand. When we got to the hospital he ran inside and got a wheelchair so I pulsing have to walk. I was wheeled into a run but when I got there I didn't see Josh. "W-Where's my husband?" I asked shakily. "Sir calm down , he's filling out your paperwork. Please put this on," the nurse said handing me the usual hospital gown. I got dressed and waited for Josh to come back.

"Hey Juicy , I'm so sorry. I had to fill out your paperwork." He apologized while hugging me and wiping my tears. He kissed me deeply but we were cut off by another fucking contractions. "S-Sorry Josh." I said while pulling away.  "No my love , don't be sorry." He said and rubbed my stomach. "I love you so much. If you need to squeeze my hand then go ahead." He said holding my hand in his.

Time Skip Brought To You In Josh's POV

After many hours of screaming , crying and endless pushing , our sweet baby was born. We were both so happy. It was a boy and we named him Noah. "I love you Josh." He said panting for air. " I love you more Juicy" I said kissing his sweaty forehead. Juicy was so tired and we spent to rest of the day cuddling and sleeping.

When I woke up I played with Juicys hair until he woke up. "Do you want to invite the boys?" I asked and Juicy frowned. " umm sure I guess." He said but I knew something was bothering him. "Baby , I j is when your in your mind. What's wrong?" I asked and he burst into tears. "What if you don't love me anymore. My body is all messed up and I'm covered in stretch marks. And I'm ugly n-" I cut him off with a deep kiss. "Juicy , I didn't marry you for your body or the way you look . I married you for your personality.  Your kind , polite, patient, calm , sweet and I gotta say , hot as fuck. Even right now you are beautiful, I will always love you ." I said and heard a little giggle come from him. I held him in my arms "I love you Josh." He said as I wiped his tears. I kissed his forehead and I saw him blush.

" We can invite the boys tomorrow but today I think you need to rest." I said and Juicy agreed. We watched some TV and played with Noah all day then fell asleep together.

The End mother fuckers.


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