Trans Rights (J+E)

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I'll start making these chapters have names now since I like the way it looks.

Juicys POV

I was in the bathroom looking at my chest , I hate that I have breast. Why couldn't I have a guys body. I tried to use a wrap to hold them back but it didn't work. I found my binder and out that on , seeing what I'd look like without these curses made me feel stronger but something still felt wrong. My dad was banging on the bathroom door.

"You better get out here in the next 2 minutes ." He yelled and I felt the tears roll down my face. I walked downstairs and saw my family all eating at the table. I sighed then sat with them. "Don't dare , don't you even go there. Cutting off your long hair this is just a phase." They would tell me but I hated being a women. I haven't told anyone I'm trans other than my boyfriend, Eddie. He's been so supportive of me and I love him. I looked at the TV and saw that the great pumpkin ( fucking orange cheeto looking ass trump) was banning transgender people join the military. I'm tired of all this shit that the trans community has to go through. I wasn't hungry so I went up to my room , I looked in my closet and saw all these feminine clothes and it pissed me off. I threw them al to the ground and ran to the bathroom , I saw my scissors and did the only thing I knew to do. I cut my long cut.

I cut it to where it was at my ear then buzzed the rest. It felt so good to finally do that , I felt better but still hated the way I looked. "Too feminine." "Not a guy." All these words flowed through my head and I let the tears fall. I cried for a bit before putting on a hoodie then walking downstairs , my entire family stared at me like I was crazy. "What the hell is wrong with you?!! I've told you to stop with this shit!!" My dad yelled at me and shook me by my shoulders. "This who I fucking am! I'm tired of pretending to be someone I'm not!! I'm not hiding anymore!" I yelled and saw the look on my my Uncle Johns face. He had a small sympathetic smile and I hated it. I ran out of the house to the only place I knew to go , Eddies. I ran as fast as my weak legs could take me. I hadn't been eating for a while so it wasn't too fast but I ran until I felt my legs almost gave out on his front step. I knocked hurriedly on the door , he opened it to see me sitting with my back against the door just crying. I felt a pair of warm , strong , caring arms wrap around me. He held me close to his chest and let me cry in his arms.

"There's nothing wrong with you , there's something wrong with the village." He sang softly in my ear. "I love you so much Eddie." I said and he carried me inside. He laid me on his bed and cuddled close , he's the only one that would use my real name and not my dead name. "I'll always be here for you Gaege." He said and kissed me. "Well I've been there sitting in that same chair , whispering that same prayer half a million times." I heard him sing quietly as he rubbed my back. I started to drift off to sleep since I hadn't slept in days but he quietly whispered , "Baby boy , do you have a binder on?" I nodded sleepily and he smiled.

Eddies POV
I knew you couldn't sleep with a binder on so as he fell asleep I gently undid it then put in on the dresser. Seeing how peaceful he was when he slept made my heart flutter. I'm so sick of his damn family and wanted them out of the picture. I held the sleeping Gaege close to my chest just listening to the patter of his heart beat. I kissed his forehead then fell asleep.

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