Eddie X Narrator

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OwO I got another request!! Btw I love getting requests from y'all because I like making you guys feel included. If you ever want to request something you can comment it or if you don't want people to know you requested it then you can dm me and I'll leave it anonymous. Anyways here you go ilikefriesz

Eddies POV
I just got out of the shower and grabbed my black and white skirt that I loved to wear , and a pink crop top to go with. Of course I couldn't forget the white knee high socks and black lace panties (which barely covered anything 😏) I was going to the club again to get a man for the night. People say I'm a whore but really I just like sex , did I mention I was a demon? Well I am and I'm one of the horny demons that will do anything for sex. I texted my best friend Josh since I had time to kill before the club opened.

SM- Short Man (Josh of course) MM- Mexican Man ( Eddie OwO)

MM- Heyyy papi , I'm going out again tonight. 😏

SM- When do you not 🤦‍♀️

MM- Wow Josh , I thought you'd be happy 😢

SM- Aww hun of course I'm happy. Have fun and use protection 😂

   ~ Two Hours Of Texting Later~

MM- lmao 😂 talk to you later papi , I'm heading out.

SM- See ya later doll face. Call me if you need anything, be safe.

MM- You're always so protective over me Joshy, it's cute.

SM- Whatever 🤦‍♀️ just don't stay out too late.

MM- Ok mom lmao 😂

Narrators POV

Mully basically dragged me out of the house today. I've been locking myself in everyday since Juicy left and Mully wanted to take me to a club to get me back in the dating world. I didn't want to at first but then he mentioned free drinks and I got kinda excited. I got my favorite T-Shirt and jeans then we drove down to the club. We got there and I walked inside. The music was blasting just how I like it , I immediately walked over to the bar and got a bottle of beer. Mully smiled at me then I walked out towards the dance floor. I saw a gorgeous man in a pink crop top , black and white striped skirt and knee high white socks. He looked amazing and I knew at that moment I wanted him. I was scared that he wouldn't like me since I was a sex demon , but I decided to just put myself out there.

Mully walked off to do whatever, probably to get a drink or something. I walked up to the cute guy and felt my heart beat at a million miles a minute. "H-Hey , my names G-Grant." I said as my voice shook a bit. He did a cute , girly giggle which made me blush. "I'm Eddie. Nice to meet you Grant. Would you like to get a drink and dance with me?" He asked and I swear at that moment I was on cloud 9. I nodded and he took me by the hand and we walked to the bar. We both got a few shots then went back out to dance.

Eddies POV

Grant seems like a great guy and I can't wait to get him in bed with me. We danced for a while and I could tell Eddie was drunk , I smiled as he kissed my neck. I kissed him deeply and I pulled him out of the club. I saw the guy that Eddie brought with him and I think Josh would like him so I sent a picture.

MM- I found you some fresh meat.

SM- Oooh he looks hot. Did you find someone?

MM- Yep! Taking him to my house now.

SM- Be safe dude. I care about you.

MM- I know , I know. Use protection, don't let him leave a mark and use the taser in my drawer if he gets too handsy.

SM- Hey hun , I just want you to be safe. You're like a brother to me.

MM- I'll be careful , don't worry. Love ya

SM- Love ya too.

Smut will be in chapter 2!!

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