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Ok so another song story so you know the drill. Comment the song and who sings it. 😊

Juicys POV
Eddie is taking me to a party in LA tonight! I'm nervous and excited at the same time. (Juicy is a femboy OwO) I picked out the outfit I was going to wear , it was a black dress with white and gold high heels. I even painted my nails , I put on a little bit of blush and pink lip gloss. When I looked in the mirror I didn't really feel pretty. Eddie walked into the room and saw me he smiled and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me. "You look beautiful princess." He said and I blushed. "I don't look good in this. Do I actually look good? I feel like I look weird with everyone around me." I said and he held my face in his hands. "You look stunning dear , don't ask that question here." He said and kissed me deeply. I smiled and helped him pick out his outfit.

He put on a beautiful black suit and tie. I smiled and kissed him as he fixed up his hair. "How do I look?" He asked and I held his hand in mine. "You look amazing my love." I said and he smiled. "We are not beautiful, that's just not who we are." I said and he frowned a bit. "What do you mean mi amor?" I asked and he pulled his waist close to mine. "It's my only fear, that we become beautiful people." I said and he kissed me deeply. "You're adorable my love." He said and we left for the party.

Le Time Skip At The Party

Eddies POV
We got to the party and I could see Juicy looked scared. "Do I look good Eddie?" He asked and I held his hand. "You look stunning dear , don't ask that question here." I said and he smiled at me. He took a picture of us and posted it to his Instagram.

Caption : Part in LA with my love.

We walked into the building hand in hand and it was huge.I kissed Juicy and we went to the bar , then some guy came up to Juicy "hey pretty lady , how about we go dance?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows at me. "I could use some help , getting out of this conversation." Juicy whispered to me and I nodded. "Excuse me sir , I'm going to have to ask you to umm how do I put this nicely? Oh yes. Get away from my husband." I said sternly. The guy gasped "That's a guy?!? That's disgusting!" He yelled before leaving. I sighed and hugged Juicy close to me. "We don't fit in well , we are just ourselves." I said kissing him and he smiled. "I love you Eddie." He said and I smiled. I got off the bar stool and stood in front of Juicy . "Would you like to dance?" I asked , he blushed and nodded. "Ladies first." I said guiding him to the dance floor. "Ahh rude , and I thought you loved me." He said jokingly and I laughed.

We danced for hours together and it was great. Juicy may have had a few too many drinks so I had to carry him out to the car. He took off his heels so I had to run back inside to find them , once I found his shoes I got in the car to see his singing his favorite song.

"Lamborghini and their rented hummers . The party's on so they're headin' downtown . Everybody's looking for a come up and they wanna know what you're about." He sang beautifully and I loved it.  He blushed when he noticed I had heard him. "You are beautiful my love." I said and we drove home. I carried him inside since he had no shoes in and could barely walk straight. It was funny and I put him in bed. I got us both into pajamas and I cuddled up with him.

The End OwO. Now go ahead and guess which song it is. It's kinda obvious so if you don't get it by the end I'm surprised lmao.

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