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This will be kinda angsty so if you feel offended by it then please skip through it. I'd hate to hurt anyone that reads this.

Narrators POV
I woke up to see an empty spot in my bed , like always. It's been so hard since Eddie left me , I caught him cheating on me with Gabby. It broke my heart. I started to get flashbacks of that night.


Still Narrators POV

Eddie and I had just gotten to the huge party Juicy and Josh were throwing. I was nervous since we would be revealing our love then. Eddie held my hand tight and he had already told me that his ex , Gabby would be there so I was even more nervous. I've always been self conscious of my body so I was terrified of him leaving me for her. He held me close to his chest reassuring me that he loved me and no one else. "Come on amor , this will be fun." He said excitedly and pulled me into the house. Juicy welcomed us inside and we talked for a bit before Eddie went to grab a drink. I saw Gabby and tried to stay away from her but she came over to me.

"You know he doesn't love you. He loves me and pretends to love you and it to hurt you." She said getting all in my face. I could smell the alcohol on her breath so I knew she was drunk. It still hurt to hear her say that though. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I ran towards the bathroom but Eddie grabbed my arm "Don't listen to her , she's just jealous." He whispered in my ear then kissed me. She was the only one that knew we were dating and I hated it. Everyone was in awe as they saw us and I blushed. He wiped my tears and we continued partying.

~ A Few Hours Later~

A few hours later I got separated from Eddie and went to go find him. I heard some noise coming from one of the rooms and I made sure to knock before coming in. I saw Gabby riding Eddie and my heart broke into a million pieces. I cried and screamed at him "I fucking trusted you!! I knew you would do this!! We're done you asshole!" As I ran out of the house to my car. Eddie tried chasing after me but he was naked and had to put his clothes on. He tried to call me but I ignored all the calls. I got home and collapsed in my bed before crying my eyes out. He texted me saying that he was drunk and didn't mean to hurt me, but I wasn't going to listen to him. We broke up and I fucking hate it.

~ End Of Flash Back ~

Narrator POV

I picked up the picture of Eddie and I kissing that I kept by my bed side , it filled me with rage and sadness when I saw the picture. I threw it across the bedroom at a wall then heard a terrible crash as it smashed to bits. I curled into a ball and remembered all the great times we had together, like once we were playing in the snow and I slipped , hitting my head a bit then he carried me home. We had hot chocolate and cuddled on the couch , or on my birthday he got frosting on his finger then put it on my nose , he licked it off and we both laughed. It hurt so much to think of we used to be but I knew it was for the best that we ended things. I had to record today with Mully so I dragged myself out of bed then washed my face to help wake me up. Then I went to my recording room to get on Vr Chat.

I'm not the best at writing angst without someone dying or being super hurt so I'm sorry if it's disappointing. I would have wrote my type of angst but I didn't want to weird out anyone out so yeah. If you think I should do my type then let me.

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