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This will be a angst fluff so yeeee

Eddies POV
Today was the big day! Oh but what's so special about this day? You might ask well let me tell you. Today I'm inviting all of the boys over to my house for a huge outdoor obstacle course! It's going to be so much fun. There will be 3 teams of 2 for this and each team has a certain color outfit they will wear to make sure no one swapped teams and also to make it easy to remember which team you're on. Everyone is supposed to get here in about an hour so I went to my backyard , which is huge , and set up the inflatable obstacle course. It looks so cool and I can't wait for everyone to be here. I set out the outfits on a table outside with notecards beside them basically saying the rules and all that. I wanted to make this special, since there were only 5 of us I had to let Gabby join. She's my girlfriend even though in all seriousness I don't really like her. I did in the beginning but now I'm not sure if I even like girls anymore. I pushed that thought away as I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped out of my seat and opened the door to see Narrator and Juicy waiting outside. I brought them in and we hugged for a bit while we waited for Josh and Mully.

After a couple minutes of waiting they were here and we all talked for a bit before I took them to the backyard. I made them wear blindfolds until we got back there then they took them off. "Holy shit! No way!" Juicy said jumping you and down like a little kid. "I haven't seen one of these since I was like 5!" Mully said and I saw him peck Josh on the cheek. I pretended I didn't see it but I kept it in my brain for blackmail hehehe. Everyone was so excited and I read the notecard.

"This will be a race to prove who really is the best out of the boys! Which ever team wins will be crowned 'The Best Boy'!" I said in my announcement voice. I could see that the boys were excited as I smiled. "Ok so to pick the teams I will use a name generator, first name ...... drum roll please .......... Juicy! Now let's see who you're teamed with........ oh sweet me!" I said happy to see that I get to be on the same team as him. I read the rest of the teams and they were Mully , Josh not surprised and Narrator, Gabby. We all grabbed our outfits and went to change. The outfits I chose were short sleeve T-shirts and shorts , since Texas is an asshole and has to be a million degrees every day. We all found rooms to change and  since Juicy and I were so close we decided to change in my room together. I had seen him naked before because none of us ever knock before entering a room. We went in my room and I locked the door ( no smut you guys sorry) I looked over at Juicy who looked shocked when he saw what we had to wear. I don't remember the last time I saw him wear anything that isn't and hoodie and leggings or jeans. He never wore shorts or normal T-shirts and that worried me a bit.

"What's wrong Juice?" I asked seeing that he was scared. "I-I umm I can't wear these." He said quietly. "Why? What's wrong with them?" I asked walking over to him. "I just uhhh cant." He said and I saw a tear roll down his cheek. I immediately knew why. "Juicy I'm so sorry , I didn't know that you.." I cut myself off and gently held his hand. "Can I ?" I asked and he nodded softly. I rolled up his sleeves to see lots of scars and cuts that hadn't healed yet. "Why did you do this? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked trying not to cry and keep my voice quiet. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it , these voices yell at me all the time and I just can't do it. I-I love you Eddie , I know you will never love me and that's why I do it." He said bursting into tears and that broke my heart into a million pieces.

"No Juicy. I love you so much. I know I'm with Gabby but if I'm being honest I don't even like girls." I said and kissed him deeply. "I'm sorry I ruined the fun." He said putting his head on my shoulder. "Baby no. You didn't ruin anything. Here I have a long shirt you can wear under that and I have some pants that are blue you can wear instead." I said and he smiled. "That would be great. I love you Eddie." He said kissing me. I kissed back and grabbed the clothes he needed. He looked adorable in this outfit and honestly I would love to see him take it off (😏)

We left my room and went outside to do the challenge everyone had already been outside and when they saw Juicy I think they know why it took so long. Juicy blushed and tried hiding behind me. I didn't want to tell Gabby now because that would just ruin the mood so I waited. We were half way into the challenge and she pulled me to the side. "Ok be honest with me , do you like Juicy?" She asked I was nervous so I said no.

Juicys POV
"No. I love you Gabbs." I heard him say. I was hiding on the ther side of the gate listing in on their conversation when I realized they left. My heart broke and I ran inside. I hid in the bathroom and found where Eddie kept his razors. I made four cuts on my wrists before he slammed the door open. I'm guessing he heard me run inside.

"Juicy no!! Why!!" He said  trying to clean me up. "You don't love me. You love her! Stop hurting me like this Eddie!!" I yelled and thrashed trying to get out of his grasp. "Juicy mi amor no. You didn't hear what I said. I said no at the beginning to not ruin the mood of today but I was planning on telling her after. Then she told me that she was actually lesbian so we could end on good terms. So you see , I do love you so much." He said kissing me deeply. Gabby came rushing in a minute later and she hugged me. "I'm so sorry Gabby." I cried into her shoulder. "No hun , there's nothing to be sorry about. Neither of us where really happy in our relationship so actually you helped us a lot. Thank you." She said hugging me , making sure to be careful of my cuts. She wiped my tears and Eddie kissed me. "I'm ok with anything as long as Eddie is happy." She said and I sat in Eddies lap for a bit before we went back out .

We finished the course and huge shocker (not really lmao) Narrator and Gabby won. I kind of expected that but it was still really fun! After we were done outside we all came inside and hung out for a while. It was getting late so everyone went home and Gabby stayed at a friends house. I'm happy to know they can still be friends. I slept in bed with Eddie and he cuddled with me. I felt him gently hold my arm in his hand and I was scared he would ask more about the cuts but he actually kissed each and every cut and scar. "I love you so much, you're perfect." He would say then he kissed me deeply. I fell asleep in his arms.

The End 
Sorry this was kinda long but whatever I guess lmao

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