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I'm bored and wanted to write so here is a shitty rushed story.

Narrators POV
Juicy and I have been married for about 4 years now and it was amazing. I love this little man so much and I love that I can spend my life with him. We've been living together for a while in Texas and we both love the weather.

Today it was really cold outside and that has always been my favorite weather since I was a kid. I wanted to go on a walk with Juicy and it was snowing so I knew he'd like it. I held my little Juice box in my arms as he sat on the couch , he pushed his head into my chest and I chuckled. "Do you want to go on a walk? It's snowing."I asked and he shot up. "Yeah I do!" He said happily and I smiled. "Alright my love , let's go get dressed." I said kissing his sweet little adorable face.

We went to our room and I grabbed a hoodie for Juicy and one for me. Then I got both of our huge jackets for him since he wasn't tall enough to reach them at the top of the closet shelves.  I laughed seeing him try to jump up and grab it. "Don't make fun of me for being short! I thought you loved me." He said pouting and I smiled gently at him. "Baby juice , I love you with all of my heart." I said kissing him. He smiled and hugged me. We finished putting our last layers of clothing on then grabbed our gloves before leaving the house.

Juicys POV
I left the house with Narrator holding my hand. I knew he loved the snow and seeing the look of excitement on his face as he made a snowball was priceless. We walked around a bit before going to a little park. I sat on the swing and Narrator pushed me gently, I love seeing all the snow falling from the sky it was so calming . Suddenly I heard some kids yelling at each other and running in our direction.

I got scared seeing them run towards us and Narrator held my hand. "Just ignore them my love , they'll leave soon." He said but then I felt something cold and wet hit my face. It was snowball one of the kids threw at me! It hit my face and it hurt. Narrator gasped and hugged me. "Dude! What the actual fuck?!? Don't you ever fucking throw anything at him again you bunch of assholes!" He yelled holding me in his arms.

"I'm so sorry babe." I said pushing my head into his chest. "No no Juice. You have no need to be sorry." He said kissing my forehead. I could hear the kids snickering and laughing. "Hey look at the 2 fags over there!" One of them yelled and Narrators grip tightened around me. "Baby just ignore them , please." I said and he kissed me. He put me back on the swing before he ran after the kids. I saw that he got one of them and beat the shit out of them. He came back over to me and picked me up. "No one calls my husband a fag and gets away with it." He said and carried me home.

Narrators POV
I knew this would happen. It happens every time we leave the house together. I hate it so much because it always leads to my baby Juicy crying in my arms. Seeing him cry just hurts me so much. He has a way of forgiving the people that hurt him and I don't know how he does it. We got home and I put him in our bed , I wanted to make sure he knew he is always loved no matter what so we spent the day with hot chocolate, movies and lots of love. I kissed his face and we cuddled.

The End

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