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This is going to be really fluffy so just be prepared for a super wholesome story.

Narrators POV

I looked at the sleeping Juicy next to me in bed and he looked so peaceful. I kissed his beautiful , pink lips then walked to my recording room. I sat in my chair to feel it was already warm , it weirded me out a bit but ignored and turned on my computer. I saw that my camera was pulled up and could see the adorable pictures of Juicy and I when we first started dating. One of them that really caught my eye was on his birthday, he had just blown out his candles and I , lightly yet firmly slammed his head into the cake. He got cake up his nose and got embarrassed , I put my jacket in front of his face then helped him get to the bathroom. After I got him cleaned up he kissed me deeply.  One thing lead to another and let's just say he came out of the bathroom with a weird limp.

I was looking at pictures for a while and forgot that I was supposed to be editing. After a bit I opened up the editing app and got to work.

~Time Skippppp~

Juicys POV

I woke up and saw that Narrator wasn't in bed with me. I was up so late last night looking at pictures on his computer. I love looking back at our old times. I sometimes feel like he doesn't love me as much  as he used to , I feel like I'm just a burden. I could feel the warm tears roll down my face , I knew that I was crying for a stupid reason so I tried to stop but couldn't make the tears stop. I decide to go into Narrators recording room.

He took one look at my face and I could tell he was worried. I just let the flood gates open and sat in his lap , I told him about everything. I told him about how I felt like a burden , about how I felt I only made him angry. He rubbed my back and held me close as I vented to him. "Baby boy , look at me. You are perfect in every way. You're not a burden , you're not useless , you don't make me angry. If anything you make me happier. I will always love you , you don't need to keep things like this inside. If you ever feel like this then you can tell me. I love you so much." He said softly as he rubbed my back.

He kissed me softly then closed the editing tab then opened him camera roll. He scrolled through all of his favorite memories asking if I remembered when and how these happened , they were all after I had just cried to him. "You see here baby , you never have to hide that you're in pain or that you're sad. If you ever feel like you want love then you can come to me. I'm always here to love and support you." He said and kissed me. "I love you Narrator." I said quietly then leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled and rubbed my back as he continued editing.

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