Mully X Josh ( Tattoo )

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This book is based on the boys newest video. I mean they do be feeding the fan fics not gonna lie.

No One's POV

In the last video Mully said that if it got 100k likes he would get a brush tattoo on his ankle ( me with my broke as ankle cringing lmao ) , and then Gaege said he would too is it got 150k likes. " Holy Fuck!!" Mully shouted checking the likes the next day. " oh no , please tell me it didn't.... " Gaege said after hearing Mully yell.

" Yeah it did .. " He said looking down at the floor. Mully had never got a tattoo before and he was terrified. " Well I guess we have to get tattoos don't we " Gaege asked looking at Mully , seeing his face drop from a small smile to a saddened frown. " At least your not doing it alone " He said giving Mully a hug and going back to his room to get ready for his tattoo . He had gotten a lot of tattoos before so he wasn't scared at all. 

Mully's POV

 Oh shit I guess I must get the tattoo then , I fucking hate needles . " J-Josh ? " I asked walking into his room . " Hey whats up Mul ? " He asked looking at my face  " Oh , did the video get 100k ? " he walked over to me and hugged me " yeah it did , and I fucking hate needles " I said trying not to cry. " I'm going with you , so you don't have to go alone. " Josh said taking one of his beanies and putting it on. " Come on lets go , don't want to be late "  He said smiling , I tried to smile but I couldn't fake it anymore . I started crying once I left his room going mine to get dressed. I looked into the mirror and all I saw was a fat ass little bitch ( not trying to diss you Mully love ya )who was afraid of needles , looking back at me.

I could feel the tears falling down my face " stop being a pussy !! Its just a fucking tattoo " I told myself while still crying. I wiped my tears and walked out of my room. " are you ok?? " Josh asked seeing the remaining tears on my face. " y-yeah I'm f-f-fine. " I said grabbing my keys and going to my car . " Hold on mul , wait for me . Your not going be yourself " Josh said taking my arm and looking into my eyes . I love Josh so much , he is carrying , funny , loving and everything. I know he could never love me back , but I'm just happy to have him here with me.

I got into the car and Josh sat in the passenger seat, " do you want me to drive mul ? " he asked looking at me. " umm I can drive , its fine " I said starting the car and driving away . We got to the place and I got out of the car , " Its ok Mully , I'm here for you " Josh said taking my hand in his . My heart froze and I smiled. " Alright let go inside " I said walking while still holding Josh's hand.

Josh's POV

I held Mully's hand to calm him down , I love this man so much and I hate to see him scared. We got inside and got the ok to go to the area where the tattoo . " I will be with you the entire time , don't worry mul " I said still holding his hand while he got on the little bed thing . Mully told the guy what he was getting and where it was going to be , he said " ok then this will take about 2 hours , and also it will be a bit painful but we have a numbing cream to make it a little less painful . " . He got the needles out and I saw Mully's faint smile drop . " you can squeeze my hand as hard as you need to mul " I said still holding his hand , after the guy shaved the area around his ankle and applied the numbing cream.

" ok ok just breathe " I heard mully whisper to himself . I smiled and hugged him. He pulled out the needles and ink , " This part of your ankle wont hurt much but over here it will be slightly uncomfortable " he said putting to parts of Mully's ankle . " oh ok " Mul said and the tattoo was started. 

After about 30 minutes the out line was done and I could see a look of relieve of Mully's adorable face. " Do you want anything while I'm at the store Mul?" I asked because we took a little break after the outline was done. " uh just a bag of chips and a Gatorade " he said and I smiled and left. I was at the store when I got a text from Mully.

BM- Baby Mul  J-Josh

BM- please hurry , he wants to start soon.

J- oh no , ok I will be there soon.

BM- ok thanks

J- no problem hun , I love you

BM- Love you too.

" Oh shit I didn't mean to say that " I thought as I sent the message . I hurriedly grabbed the snacks , paid and ran to my car trying to get there as fast as I can. " hey Mul , I got here as fast as I could " I said after getting over to his area. I saw tears running down his face and my heart broke , " oh hun , whats wrong ? " I said giving him a hug. " I-I thought I c-could do t-t-this on my own so I told him he could start before you got here but the numbing cream wore off and I couldn't do it by myself. " he said and I wiped his tears.

" I'm so sorry , I tried to get here as fast as I could " I said and I felt him stop crying. " Are you ready to start again " The guy asked. " yeah , but could you use a little more numbing cream ? " Mully asked still holding my hand.

Mully's POV

I asked for more numbing cream and of course he said yes , then he started again. I am so thankful to have some one as great as him in my life , but does he actually love me or was he just saying that in a friendly way? " Josh , can I ask you something? " I asked . " yeah whats up?" Josh asked looking at me and seeing that I was worried. " well ummm . when you said I Love You , did you mean it ? " I asked trying not to cry again. " Of course I did , Mul I have loved you since we both started working together. You have been with me through good and bad I love you so much " Josh said and he kissed me , I of course kissed back and with in minutes it became an entire make out session. " umm do I need to uhhh leave you 2 , so yall can have your little moment or.... " The tattoo guy asked looking in the opposite way.

"oh shit sorry mate " I said after Josh pulled away . We finished up the tattoo and it looked epic , after that we both went to my house and cuddled all night .

 and for my smutt loving friends I might make a part 2 for smutt but this is getting too long . I hope you guys enjoyed this bye bye.

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