Waking To Terror

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Your entire body felt sore and cold and held so much pain it threw you completely off-kilter for a good while, maybe even forever if it weren't for the creaks and groans shifting through the room.

Why the fuck were you in so much pain? Did you accidentally snap your spine in your sleep or something? Your head felt as if something had lodged itself into your skull and was trying to scrape itself out through your ears.

Yowling in distress to inform the others of your plight, you maneuvered yourself to roll off the bed, only to have your wrists seized along the way, preventing you from meeting the floor.

Immediately, a jolt of adrenaline had you fully awakening for the first time in days, and in your moment of clarity, the reality began to make its first impressions upon you and settle in.

The creaks and groans shifting in the background turned out to have been due to the swaying of the room- it was subtle, but you could feel a rhythmic lurch and curl repeat itself over and over again from far below you, like the rocking of a tree in the wind.

Somewhere behind you, there was a single square window, casting an illuminating glow on a patch of the wall across from where you lied, shifting with the swaying of the room.

The light revealed a very drab place.

The walls at first looked to have been made of iron, however, due to how little it reflected the invading sunlight, it slowly came upon you that they had just grown muddled, peeling, and grey in their negligence.

You tried to get a better understanding of your surroundings as you writhed about, only to realize that the restraints on your wrists weren't actually on the wrists.

They were in.

Having managed to crane your neck up to assess the situation, your eyes widened at the very painful sight of two iron rods pierced through your wrists and connected to chains that would further down the line curl around the bed frame.

From what you could tell within the shrouded image that you had, it didn't look good.

Through all the splattered blood along your arms, the rods were both at least a whole inch in diameter, despite how praised your supposed regeneration was by your friends, you had very little doubt that when this was over, you'd be able to make it out without having permanent holes in your wrists- or much less scarring.

In fact, it seemed your ability had already healed around the rods..

Forcing yourself away from the current state of your body, you flopped around on the sheets in search of a light escaping the bottom of a door, but came fruitless.

The rest of the room was a pitch black, you couldn't find anything, and without anything else to occupy yourself with, you finally had to face the music.

You weren't in the safe arms of your base anymore- but somewhere else, in someone else's hands.. and judging by how you've been handled, they most likely knew what you were.

Moaning lowly in trepidation, you tested the shackles binding you once more, only to curse finding that in order to break out, you'd have to rip off the entirety of your hands.

Despite your dulled senses, you could still very much feel pain if it cut deep enough, and you winced at how painful it would feel to slowly rip off an appendage as opposed to the clean chops you'd receive from Zoro in training.

Just as you were about to contemplate your options, a pair of footsteps could be heard from somewhere not too far away from your room, and with the giddy humming homing in on you, there came to panic that something was incredibly wrong.

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