Set Up

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You approached the cage, though once you made it close enough to reach the bars you faltered in your steps, doubts taking a firm hold in your consciousness.

'I'm sorry you guys had to see that'

A harsh bark from Zoro nearly made you jump, being caught completely off guard by the nearly proud gleam in his eyes, "are you kidding?! That was great! This whole time I thought you'd let yourself get mauled before actually doing anything in an actual fight!"

Not knowing whether to take that as an insult or a compliment, you just continued to smile uneasily, looking between everyone's expressions to find any hints of fear or uncertainty when someone fought themselves to the front and reached out.

There was a heady rush in your chest- most likely adrenaline or the staggering lack of it, when Law forced himself against the bars, much to the distaste of the other prisoners, as he gave your hand a squeeze.

"(Y/n), we're not afraid of you, you're not some monster.. and we can talk about this more later but can you just get us out already?"

Scrubbing away the tear stains, you gave the group a warning growl before lunging in and forcefully prying the bars apart.

"Holy shit!" A few of the Hearts cowered back once you really got into it, and really, who could blame them, as you slowly began to find out that punching them to bits brought more fruitful results as you writhed and snarled like a true zombie.

Once you made a hole large enough for everyone to walk through, you backed away and drooled happily when Luffy jumped out first, trapping you in a passionate hug, "(Y/n)!"

You raised your arms to hug him back, but thought better of it with your undead strength and all, however, that didn't stop others from joining the hug.

"That fight was amazing, bastard couldn't stop you coming" Zoro scuffed your head before pressing it to his chest.

"Wah! (Y/n)! I was so scared!" Chopper managed to squeeze himself between you and Luffy, triumphantly nestling himself in the middle like slipping into a bed.

"Ha! Even if that guy did manage to give you trouble, he never would've stood a chance against the great Usopp's ultimate backup!" The sharpshooter stood a few ways off with a high and mighty look, however, it didn't take long for him to break down and curl up into your side.

"That being said, thank you for saving us (Y/n)..!" All you could do was smile at his antics.

"I'll make sure to cook you the greatest meal of your life (Y/n)-chwan!" Sanji made a leap for you, but was cut off as Jinbe stepped out himself, a content if slightly exasperated expression mounted on his face.

"You keep surprising me (Y/n).." You chirped confusedly as the older man gave you an appraising scan of the eye, assumedly reassessing his former thoughts on you before slouching over slightly with a sigh.

"That man you just bested was Big Mom's finest officer and second eldest son, he was known vastly in the former underworld as her personal hitman and a one man army.." Jinbe glanced over where his body laid, and you began to sweat at the exhausted look on his face.

"And you overcame him in minutes.." the deadass tone in his voice made you feel you'd ought to be sheepish, but once the last of the captives stepped out, it was back to business.

"Alright (Y/n), where's Nami and the others?" 

'They acted as a diversion with Killer and the rest of his gang, I think I heard them in the room directly ahead of the entrance'

Luffy nodded determinedly, "yosh! Let's bust in there and get the heck out of here!"

Before the teen could make a beeline for the said room, Jinbe grabbed a hold of his collar and yanked him back, "hold on!"

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