Agent Zombie 2.0

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"This is impossible- incredible!" Moaning to yourself in an amused way, you stared at the doctor as he paced around, excited with the success of your transplant, in fact, almost more excited than you.

That said something, because the moment you regained complete vision you broke a lot of shit.

"Even though it shouldn't have worked, somehow the optic nerve repaired itself when I planted it in- but how..?" Flying to his files, you decided to finally hop off the operation table and look over his shoulder.

The papers looked like blueprints for the human body, and it made you wonder for just a moment if he was able to recreate actual body parts- however you quickly shook this thought away.

"You don't have high speed regeneration.. do you?" Glancing back at you with a questionable look, you were quick to show him the many faded patterns of previous stitches along your arms, which ended up only making him even more ecstatic.

"So much work to be done (Y/n).." not sure if you liked the sly grin on his face, you squirmed unsurely as he guided you back towards the operation table.

"Now, we have some more tests to do.." Sweating nervously as he leaned over you with a scalpel, you wondered in the back of your mind just how much Luffy truly agreed to the stuff Law was about to subject you to.


Moaning to yourself, you blinked once at the jumpsuit offered to you and sneered in disgust, Law only returned the scowl with a frown of his own, proceeding to shove the obnoxiously bright orange heap of ballistic nylon into your chest.

"While you're here with us, you'll be wearing our uniform, it'll help us keep an eye on you in case something.. happens" perking up at that, you tucked the jumpsuit under your arm and clumsily scribbled in your notebook.

'I thought you were only using me for experiments?'

Pausing momentarily at that, Law stared at the notebook for a moment or two before smirking mischievously, giving you a naughty look.

You tried not to let your skin crawl from the predacious glimmer in his orbs, "oh.. I lied"

You broke into a sweat-drop as the surgeon chuckled, moving around his lab like it was second nature, "I actually only needed one week for the experiments I had in mind for you, the other week is just so I can..."

Tilting your head when he trailed off, you thought briefly about shaking the answer from him when he suddenly spoke out again with a red face.

"Well, so I can see how useful you are, I want to be fully aware of your capabilities- that, and I have an assignment that I can use you for" you tried hard not to smile at his confessions, finding his reasons amusing.

'What do you need me for?'

Glancing down at the jumpsuit, you came to the conclusion that you would probably need it in whatever shit the fucked up doctor had for you, and halfheartedly began to wrestle yourself into it.

"Recon.." Now turning to you seriously, Law guided his swivel chair in front of you and sat in it, giving you a slightly anxious look.

"There is an enemy of mine that.. well, he's troublesome, and recently there's been a ruckus in his territory, I want you and your near perfect zombie-ness to infiltrate his main base and gather information..." he trailed off as you flailed an arm around, trying to force it through the jumpsuit's sleeve, "oh, you don't need to wear that during the mission- in fact you probably shouldn't, it might make you a target"

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