Love in the Backseat

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Grave. Open. Empty.

Kidd, it was Kidd calling.

He's out there, alone!

Despite how loud the boys got, you couldn't hear a thing over your own yowling, didn't even know what they were saying.

Frankly, at this moment, you didn't care.

How long has Kidd been.. reanimated? How long has he been left alone out here? What if a survivor got to him without you ever knowing?

Feeling the ghost of bile stirring at the base of your throat, you breathed a hiss before darting for the woods.

"Wait-! (Y/n)!" A hand stretched itself out to grab your wrist, and with quick movements, you swatted the offending appendage away with a snarl.

"Stay away"

You didn't look back as you dived for the trees.

There was a buzz in the air, a scent, almost.

It was if the insistent crackling in your head was guiding you, as with practiced ease, you weaved through branches and roots without hesitation.

Something popped in the pressure, and your ears felt like they were ringing, you couldn't hear a thing.


Your breath hastened, lightning darted through your veins.

It felt like Kidd- it had to be him.

You blindly tried to reach out to him in the same manner he was, you weren't sure if you could even control whatever form of communication this was, but you felt something respond all the same.

"B̷͈̉a̶̫̿b̵̲̀y̷̛͉ ḍ̸͆o̶̻̅ľ̵̲l̴͚̄!̴͔́"

Tears were now streaming down your eyes.

Oh- oh Kidd...

Now slowing to a stop, nausea waved over you as it came apparent that you were now stuck stumbling in circles.

The panic must have reached Kidd, wherever he was, as the connection felt like it had some sort of jumpstart.

"B̷̩͝a̶̠̕b̴̠̀y̷̫̒ ̴͚͝d̵͎̓o̸̰̐l̵̘̿l̴̩̊,̸̺̏ ̴͇̈́a̶͕͝ṟ̶͛e̴͉̅ ̵̜̿y̴̲͋ỏ̶͎ṷ̴̾ ̷̥̒a̶̍ͅĺ̵̩ŕ̴̡ȉ̸̥ğ̵͔h̷̹́t̷̞̂?̶̜̓ ̶̪̃Ḭ̷̏'̴̦̂m̷̯͝ ̶͔̿ȏ̴̩v̴̗͋e̵̝̽r̷̝̆ ̷̗̀h̴̗̉e̴͉͂ṙ̶̮e̵͓͑!̸͍̓ ̵̤͠Y̸͕̽o̴͈͛u̴͎͗'̸̗͛r̸̖̓ẹ̵̇ ̶̘̄s̶̹̽o̶͇͊ ̶̳̃c̴̢̓l̵͎̑o̴͍͝s̶͉̃e̸͈̚!̵͙́"

It felt reassuring, however, you still had no clue as to where to go from here.

The redhead felt so near, yet it was obvious he was still practically a whole world away from you.

Again, you tried to use the connection to reach out to him, trying to inquire where he was, but all it brought was another wave of emotion as overwhelming as the last.

"Ḃ̵͓ȃ̴̳b̴͖̈y̴̰͆ ̶̣̇d̸̮͒o̸̞͝ĺ̷͓l̸̪̈,̴̞̌ ̵͚̌(̵̠̇Ÿ̵̫́/̴̩̊n̴͔̊)̴̙̈́,̵̪͠ ̷͈̉b̴̬̓a̸͙̔b̷́͜e̸̝͊,̴̬͘ ̴͖̒I̶̓ͅ'̷̱͆m̵̳̒ ̸͔̚r̵̹̃í̴̗g̸̻͋h̵͉͠t̵͎͐ ̸̙͌h̴͇̃ë̶͚́r̷͔͝ę̴͆,̸͍̍ ̴̮̀Ȉ̸͎'̷̬͠m̴͙̐ ̸̠͐n̷̳̐ö̶͚́t̵̜̆ ̴͉͛g̷̠͝ō̵̢i̷̜̾ń̴̟g̵͚̈ ̵̬͋ȁ̵̘n̶͚̕ÿ̷̪́w̵̢̽h̸̼́e̵͔͒r̵̯̆e̷̬̊"

You cried and shouted in frustration.

You were useless, again! Not only did you fail to reach out to Kidd on your own, but you couldn't even find him and bring him home!

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now