Making Yourself at Home

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"Sorry about this (Y/n).." moaning in an uncaring manner, you just tried to make yourself as comfortable as you could in Luffy's lap, watching as the forest trees zoomed by smoothly.

All of you were stuffed in a van- a very unique one at that.

Like in those movies where the protagonists drove customized race cars to look like killing machines when they drove over zombie hoards, this one was also had some tweaks done.

Only this one looked more like a cross between an amusement park ride and a legit government vehicle, where exactly were they hiding this?

"Oww! The Mini Merry wasn't made to hold this many people! Just hold onto Luffy until we get there!" Nodding half-heartedly, you easily snuggled into the youthful boy's frame, feeling comforted by his weak scent of deodorant.

"Shishishi! Just wait until Brook and Jinbei see you! They'll be so surprised!"

Zoro let out a fast snort behind the two of you and chuckled, "knowing Brook, he'll probably shit his pants" feeling your lips try to smile, your shoulders bounced at his slightly mean-spirited humor.

"Jinbe is super smart too! Hey, he might know why you came out a ghoul instead of a zombie!" Robin chuckled as she flipped a page in her book, not even turning to the two of you, she smiled subtly, "I don't think that would be the first thing on his mind when he sees her, Luffy"

The younger boy pouted, "hmph... I guess you're right"

Sanji then turned around with a grin from the front and wiggled his brows, "oh yeah? Wait until the other groups see her, they'll shit bricks- Eustass will probably have cardiac arrest at the sight of her" laughing boisterously at that, most of the group began to hunch over from laughter as you blinked confusedly.

Grabbing your pen and scribbling onto the notebook, you tapped on Sanji's shoulder and showed him the writing.

'What do you mean by other groups?'

"Ah" opening the window and taking a drag, he turned back to you with a slightly irritated expression, "they're other survivor groups- it's like in the apocalyptic soap operas y'know? society breaks down, people who get along and stuff form groups, and then everyone starts to compete and shit on each other to survive"

"And we fight each other!" Your eye jolted into the size of a saucer, you stared at Luffy in horror until Nami reached in from the rear of the van and conked him over the head, "don't say shit like that! You'll scare her!"

Apologizing half-heartedly, you looked out the window, seeing your reflection was as white as a sheet.

Fight each other? People were actually doing that? When only a few months have passed?

It really seemed society was just a facade after all...


To your surprise, they were taking up occupation in an abandoned resort.

The place was surrounded by a tall fence to keep out vandals, and it was very, very big- then there was the private generator and solar panels, and even if the fence wasn't secure, the fact that they were in a forest where the only path was overrun with vegetation and evidently kept in poor condition, a place where clumsy zombies would take months just to get through a kilometer, it was pretty damn safe.

They really chose a nice place.

Seeing the obvious wonder on your dead face, Nami grinned proudly, "like it (Y/n)? I was the one who got us this place!" Giving the orangette an astounded smile, you clapped ecstatically, making the teenager blush.

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