His Return

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"Yeah, that sounds good mochi-man!" Luffy bobbed his head chipperly, either forgetting completely or just ignoring the fact that the ghoul couldn't see him over the phone.

"Good.. I th'ank you again Sh'awhat"

You chirped excitedly at the sound of your kin's broken voice, half due to the fact that you haven't seen him in a while, and the other stemming mostly from some deeply rooted instinct that immediately recognized his person as 'friend'.

Law, who was mostly preoccupied with stitching you up after a bad altercation with a stray group of feral zombies, craned his neck without looking away to yell over his shoulder, "tell him to see to me after your negotiations are over, there are some more tests I want to go through now that the previous data has come in"

Instead of doing what was asked, Luffy, in the middle of Law's request, flipped his phone onto speaker mode and just shoved it into the surgeon's direction with a blank grin, "did you get all that, Katakuri?"

A low murmur of recognition sounded over the phone, and before your leader could flip the phone back into it's normal settings, Katakuri spoke, "Sh'awhat, could you hand (Y/n) and Tra'fa'ga the phone? 'Ere is something I'd like to d'iscuss"

Both you and the doctor paused at that, falling apprehensive to the seemingly random request.

Luffy easily read the room and passed the device over to Law's waiting hand with a blank expression, eyes passing over you for only a moment before becoming glued to the little red icon on the phone's screen.

"What's wrong? You're not experiencing any negative symptoms from the blood-letting are you?" You distinctly shuttered with a gargle at the phantom memory of Law literally pumping out blood from your guts with some sort of medical vacuum device.

Katakuri grunted with a warble, most likely a result from overhearing your own distress, "no.. it's something else.. I... can't ex'lain it"

Law's face darkened with shadow as he hunched over at the news, subconsciously curling into his most comfortable thinking position before encouraging him to continue on.

"It's.. sort of si'ilar to when I f'elt (Y/n) calling me but... in'sead of this 'ulling feeling of e'ergency, it's like this dull ache of awareness, I can feel something there but I can't q'uite 'ocus on it.."

Something akin to dread fastened a knot in your stomach, too many implications in his story throwing you into an emotional, hormonal tizzy- enough so that you ended up flopping over with a discomforted yowl.

'This, what the hell could be happening? I can't feel a thing so is this just a hormonal imbalance issue on his part? Or did he.. turn someone that he wasn't aware of?'

Law's expression steeled, already rushing out of the room with his coat, you were left to allow yourself to be dragged along by Luffy, as the teen scrambled to tag along.

"Have you bitten anybody recently? Anybody at all?"

"No.. I've v'en avoiding that ever since I realized about that.."

"Can you recall any instances where you could have contaminated anybody- corpses even? And it doesn't have to be with saliva, any substance carrying your DNA can do the trick"

By this time, the three of you were flooding into the garage, already making- well, Law and Luffy were making preparations to leave, while you just sat in the truck with the phone set on speaker.

"No, none at all"

The doctor didn't seem to be getting anywhere with the lack  of information, and decided a different route, "Alright, when did you start feeling this.. presence?"

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