Famous Last Words

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By the time you all made it back to the base, preparations were in full swing.

Franky and Robin were stocking up the Mini Merry with guns and medical supplies, Zoro and Sanji were bringing out all sorts of things and bickering to top it all off.

Once Luffy entered the building, Jinbe made his way down from the second floor and gave the Supernova a grim expression, "Luffy, this is most likely a trap.."

The raven nodded, but didn't look anymore dissuaded, "we're gonna go help Torao, he's nakama"

Jinbe, most likely having expected this, just sighed in resignation and clutched the grip of his pistol slightly tighter to his chest, "I know, that's why we've already started preparing for battle- but Luffy, just know.. things might already be over by the time we get there.."

You growled before either man could continue the conversation, both turning to you with understanding expressions, "(Y/n).."

'I don't care who it is! I'm gonna punch the shit outta them if they hurt Law!'

Your writing was dark and slightly indiscernible with how worried you were for the Heart gang, but the message was sent across nice and clear, at least you thought it was as Jinbe placed a soothing hand on your shoulder with little trepidation.

"(Y/n).. you may not like this, but we need you to stay here"

He was right, you didn't like it.

With a defiant snarl, you stomped your heel against the ground, causing the wood beneath to snap inward at the strength, once again reminding everyone in the room of your power and hopefully your undeniable use as well.

However, instead of the intimidation bearing the desired fruit, you received another hand on the shoulder from behind, and craned your neck back only to see Luffy give you a firm look.

"Jinbe's right (Y/n), you need to stay here and protect the base with Brook, Nami and Robin" you whined, still not happy with your orders but also not wanting to disobey Luffy to his face.

Seeing the hesitance in your demeanor, Jinbe stole your attention back, "(Y/n), it's very unlikely that the Big Mom family knows about you, so if worse comes to worse, you can be used as our secret backup"

Shit, that made sense.

Deflating at the news, Robin and Nami were quick to comfort you as the rest of the group finished the preparations.

"It's alright (Y/n), you haven't seen these guys in action but they're really strong!" Nami looped an arm around your shoulder, not flinching back even with the drool escaping your drooping maw.

"Mwrph.." always the mom friend, Robin was the one that wiped your face clean and patted your back, "Nami's right, we may not have the strength of the dead, but everyone in this gang is strong in their own right"

You allowed the girls to continue their small comforts as the Mini Merry revved up for action.

"(Y/n)! Nami! Robin! Brook! Protect the base while we're gone!" Luffy shoved the entirety of his upper torso out of the windows to wave you goodbye, and the sight made you settle as the rest of the men scolded him for his childishness.

Like that they vanished down the dirt road through the woods, but Luffy's positivity remained.


The waiting had to be the worst part.

At first you just focused on the small distractions the others tried to entertain you with, but over time you came to realize there was just no use and gave up.

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