Arm Wrestling

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The past few day have been.. weird, to say the least.

After Kidd's baffling, but not surprising announcement, somehow everyone else took that as their cue to go back to whatever the hell they were doing previously.

In a flash everyone was just casually doing whatever, business as usual.

Nobody even approached you to, like, bring you to some cell or something, which at first concerned you, but soon you figured that they must have something up their sleeves if they weren't worried about you escaping, and as such, you decided to investigate another time.

But it didn't stop there, nobody spoke to you, glanced at you, didn't even breathe in your direction.

It was like you didn't even exist anymore.

But certainly not to Kidd.

The moment the room was almost empty, he took that chance to drag his chair down to your end and ask you half a million questions, most of them not even relating to Law or your friends.

They were mostly questions like, 'can you kick ass?' 'What kind of pranks can you pull with that shit?' Somewhere in the middle, his entourage included themselves into the conversation, seemingly just as intrigued as their leader was.

Which was weird.

Nobody was weary of you at all, like, Kidd even tried to shove his hand in your goddamn mouth over curiosity at some point, for fuck's sake, the only one who seemed to have any awareness was Killer, and even then, he's tried to get you help out in the kitchen on multiple occasions.

Which was an even worse idea in your opinion.

It was almost like you were with the gang again, only somehow, these guys seemed to have even less brain cells than the Strawhats did.

"Hey, baby doll, get your ass over here!" Burning with mortification at the nickname, you let out a distressed moan and whirled around to see Kidd leaning against a door frame.

Ah, and then there was that..

Leaning away from the frame, Kidd raised his arm high enough for you to walk under it if you wished, "me an' the men are about to do some arm wrestling, come join us" his grin widened and his eyes glowed, making you instantly hot under the collar.

You forgot the exact time it started, but for some reason Kidd began to insistently flirt with you, with no shame or humor in it as far as you could tell.

At first you convinced yourself that he was just doing it because you were easy to rile up, and because of your body, reactions were always strong and instantaneous, it was the perfect thing to entertain himself with, but now, after days of following you around, you weren't so sure.

Suddenly, an arm curled itself around your shoulders and guided you into a well built, bare chest, sweating profusely as your nose pressed against the redhead's pecs, his voice drifted into your ears from where he shrugged his face into the back of your neck, "you're so cute when you're shy"

Pressing deeper into his embrace to avoid eye contact, Kidd laughed at your behavior as he led to where you assumed the arm wrestling was going on.

"Aw captain, you're bringing (Y/n)? That's not fair!"

"Yeah, we can't beat her!"

Seating himself on a barrel in the room, you were automatically dragged into his lap, though it wasn't done with any real intention, as Kidd immediately struck conversation on bids with the other men.

"Killer!" Hollering over his shoulder, you craned your neck around to see the blonde leaning against the wall, far behind the two of you with shrugged shoulders.

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