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"She's with them! If we let her go they're gonna come after us and then we'll all be dead!"

"For the las't time..!"

You continued to determinedly keep your nose within the book you randomly pulled off of the shelf, ignoring every little bit that came from the argument just next door.

The room was peaceful and quiet excluding the silently vibrating guard sitting by the door, once in a while, you'd steal a glance at them, only to accidentally make eye contact and cause the dude to choke on his own throat.

Katakuri's family were very much against the idea of letting you go, nonetheless alive and thriving.. well, as much as you could be with the pace your wounds were recovering at.

You've already forgotten how long they've been at it.. hours, probably? Despite the patriarch's unwavering disposition, the rest weren't willing to let the matter go- which was surprising considering how intimidating he was for the living.

Things didn't look like they were going to change anytime soon until the ghoul finally put his foot down.

"Enough! I am not comfromizing on this! She is my..!" Just as your attention was wholly captured, the words died in his mouth and faded before they even took form, unintentionally planting a seed of apprehension within you.

His what..? How was he going to finish that statement?

You'd never know, as nobody dared oppose him after that outburst, nor did anyone else question that single out-of-place statement.

Later, Katakuri came back in a huff, wordlessly dragging you off into a lush bedroom that you had the sneaking suspicion belonged to his late mother.. if you had any doubts that she was dead before, they were long gone now, as you'd doubt the woman would allow you to go anywhere near her sanctuary.

'Thank you for treating my wounds..'

"You should be thanking Vrulee, she did the rehairing.."

For a brief moment, neither of you had anything to say, and the Charlotte focused mostly on the short casts encircling your wrists with narrowed eyes.

'W'ill that.. heal?"

You pouted at the reminder, wringing your arms gently in a moment of nothing but an empty head, only mildly aware that instead of the usual visions of chains and blood, you could only think of how considerate the other ghoul was being.

'I can only hope, I've never gotten this damaged before..'

With how much it stung to even write that out, you knew for the next few days you'd have to rely on your speech again.

Nonetheless, the statement didn't seem all that reassuring, as Katakuri's mood only soured from then on.

"I see.. tommoraw I'll have the letter ready, so please enjoe your stay for the night"

With a single step taken for the door, the patriarch had a waver of hesitation before turning back to you.

His eyes flitted across you to and fro, as if checking you over or searching for something, you stared back with patience, taking that small moment to soak in his own appearance before startling back into reality when he stretched a hand out.

Your eyes met, and catching something firm inside, you automatically clasped his hand in yours, just mildly appreciating the shared strength you held each other with- which in hindsight should have really put you in unease if anything.

"Sleep well.. you're safe here.."


(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now