Agent Zombie

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"Hahaha!" You smiled as the whole table began to laugh- including Sanji, and the moodiness that was bringing everyone down left.

Good work, you!

"Thanks (Y/n), that cheered me up real good" enjoying the light pat Sanji gave you on the head, you moaned out joyously to keep the spirits high.

Nami frowned though, "but guys, we still need bandages.." she reminded the group, and everything grew heavy again.

"Nami is right, (Y/n) may not need bandages- but we do!" Brook then broke out into laughter, making a small grandfather's joke or two under his breath.

"But how are we gonna steal bandages from Trafalgar? He has his base under fort knox!" You brightened up as the name was mentioned, quickly picking up on the fact that you've never heard it before.

"Ooiio..?" Turning to Luffy for an explanation, the raven smiled when he saw the curious twinkle in your (E/c) eye, "he's a great guy! He's helped us out a bunch of times before, but he gets super cranky and yells a lot! He's also super complicated.. and a little weird.."

Sweat-dropping at the vague info, this time you looked to Jinbe for clarification.

"He's another Supernova, leader of the Heart group" you nodded, now understanding the situation a little more.

'Isn't there anywhere else we can get bandages? And can't we just ask for some if he's not a bad guy?'

Zoro snorted- but not in a very good way, and Sanji just clicked his tongue and walked off to light a smoke away from the table.

Robin was the one who turned to you with a small purse in her lips, "while it is true Trafalgar has helped us in the past, he never really aids us without a favor or having something to get out of it, not to mention, ever since the auction house incident, our relationship with his group has been slightly put on a strain.."

Oh, that didn't sound very great, "Trafalgar is a very mysterious man.. since he's one of the only forty five surviving medical experts left in the country after the epidemic started- there have been many people who have gone after him for his surgery skills, since then, he's devised quite the devilish defense system.."

Your eye nearly popped out of it's socket, there were only forty five legitimate doctors left in the whole fucking country?!

Glancing down at the sniveling boy in your lap with an incredulous stare, you began to bounce him up and down and rock him a little faster.

Holy shit, you had a national treasure in your arms!

"Why don't we just sneak in?!" Luffy began to whine out loud, obviously getting short with the topic at hand.

"Luffy.." Jinbe turned to the other with a patient stare- what an angel.

"Trafalgar's base is a very infested hospital in the center of the city.." your mouth dropped open, the guy sounded quite suicidal for a national treasure!

"Zombies and cameras are everywhere, even though there aren't any traps, the zombies are too thick a crowd to get past- and even if you did deal with them all, Trafalgar would be alerted by the cameras"

Oh.. that was actually smart, he was using the zombies as a defense system.. that was devilish!

"Auugh.." whining at the unfair advantage the cunning man devised, you slammed your head into the table, causing both Nami and Robin to giggle, "perhaps this is a little too much for (Y/n) to process.."

Franky suddenly glanced at you, and feeling eyes boring into your head, you regretted turning around to see his poker face- that must not have been good.

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