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Clamping up as the wall in front of you gained a new bullet hole, everything in the hall fell silent, except for two gasps, "cap! What're you doing?!"

Mind racing miles, you didn't know whether to make a run for it, continue the act, or turn around to see what the hell was going on.

"I must admit miss, that makeup of yours is extremely convincing- it would have fooled even me, but.." finally making a choice, you risked a peek and saw a well dressed man point his pistol towards you.

"No matter how many dead brain cells it has, a zombie will always lash out if it sees something moving fast" eye widening as your brain wheeled back to when the redhead rushed towards you, your teeth gritted hard as you finally fixed your stance.


Darting to the side, you barely dodged the next bullet, and rolling over, you looked up to the three men taking offensive stances on the other end of the hall, "she's alive!" One of the two yelled in surprise.

Double fuck!

Throwing yourself off the floor, you made a bee-line for the stairs as you heard screeching shoes echo behind you.

You knew they must have been right behind you, and the thought was making you anxious as you made it to the first floor- which was still zombie central.

Roaring at the crowd, the zombies immediately reacted and began to clumsily stumble into each other to get out of your way, giving you a clear path to flee through.

As you made it into the streets, only then did you feel it safe enough to turn around- only to freeze in your tracks when you were met with nothing.

At first you were confused as to why they didn't follow you until it suddenly came over you that- ah, they didn't want to be caught in a place full of zombies.

Smiling nervously to yourself, you decided to speed-walk the rest of the way, only to hear another gunshot ring out- this time feeling something zip cleanly through your hip.

Rushing to hide behind a totaled car, you peeked back at the hospital to see the three men walking out themselves, making an orderly pace towards you without triggering the zombies, shit!

Bolting out into a run, you charged through the hoards, hoping to beat them to the Mini Merry with speed.

They couldn't afford to run, unlike you.

As you rushed by, continuous gunshots sounded out in the empty air and you felt another bullet dart through your right knee just before you made it out of his range.

Damn, he was good with that thing!

Peeking over your shoulder once the shots went quiet, you broke into a deep sweat seeing they were much farther than before...

Then you realized that you've been using your new undead speed this whole time.

Oh shit, did they notice..?

Not knowing whether to slow down or keep rushing at full speed, you eventually chose the latter when the Mini Merry came into view, with Usopp and Franky looking at you in suspense and concern.

"What happened?! We heard shots!" Usopp gripped your shoulder in surprise as you leaped into the back seat.

Flinching nervously when you began to stomp roughly on Franky's seat in urgency, he smartly leaned away, "augh! Ahhu!"

"Woah! Woah, bro! What got into you?!" Turning to where you ran from, your body froze in mortification at the sight of the three men- now running with the hoard now long past you, and clawed your hand into the seat, ripping a tear in it.

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now