The Barn

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"And that ends our tour!" Sweat-dropping as the younger boy chuckled innocently, you turned to Jinbe and deflated, seeing the guy was busy reviewing the things he wrote in his notebook.

Walking along with them around the chain fence circling the resort, you spotted a bright orange that didn't fit with the darker greens and browns and blinked when you realized it was Nami opening the gate of the fence.

Making a questioning gurgle, Luffy looked to where you were staring and rushed ahead, "oi! Nami! Whatcha doing?!"

As you and Jinbe eventually caught up to the two, you listened to their conversation as you got closer.

"Ah, hey guys, I- I'm trying again at the barn.." you felt the atmosphere change when Luffy's smile dimmed, "oh, were you gonna go alone? Nami that's dangerous!" Now taking a defensive stance, the raven haired boy leaned forwards and puffed out smoke from his nose.

"Yes, Luffy's right" Jinbe then joined the conversation, giving the woman a concerned frown, "we'll go with you" Luffy nodded along with the older man, all the while you looked between them with a look of confusion.

Moaning out to get their attention, the three all turned to you and made faces like they forgot you were totally not understanding a thing they were saying, "ah- sorry (Y/n), I guess you don't know about the barn.." Nami gave you an apologetic shrug as she pulled open the gate.

Following the others as they walked into the vegetation, you moved along an old dirt path that went into the forest, "the barn is actually a storage shed where the resort would store all their stuff, it has lots of non-perishable food in there, batteries, light-bulbs, blankets, a freezer, the private generator, a bunch of resort stuff" you nodded at the explanation, understanding Nami so far.

Luffy then turned to you with a grumpy frown, "but then that stupid Jaggy and his group showed up while we were out! He stole a bunch of our foods and left it open- now a bunch of zombies are hanging around there and we can't get any of the stuff back!"

You quirked a brow as Nami sighed exasperatedly, "he's talking about Kidd"

Feeling like you've heard the name before, you thought back to your previous conversations and felt you eye light up in recognition, right, Kidd was the leader of a rival Supernova group.

That would also explain why they were at your long abandoned grocery store.

"Aah" making a soft sound of understanding, you mulled over the information that was given to you and stored it into the back of your mind, whilst hearing your noise, Jinbe glanced at you with a briefly unnerved expression before sighing, "you even sound like them.. sorry (Y/n), I just never heard you say anything before.."

Shrugging your shoulders to his apology, you watched as the group began to draw firearms as you moved deeper, guessing that you must have been getting close to the storage shed.

Soon enough, a clearing opened up to you, and in the middle was a large storage shed that indeed resembled a barn, with your one eye you could already see movement from a few zombies and assumed there were even more inside.

"Ah" turning to Luffy, the younger clinked at you with a look of indifference, "(Y/n) doesn't have a gun" the other two flinched at the observation, cringing expressions clawed at their faces, "you're right, shit"

As both Nami and Jinbe looked regretful, you saw a zombie limping its way to the four of you and moaned when an idea came to you, moving towards the creature with an excited gleam in your eye, you didn't pay any mind to their cries of concern.

"(Y/n)!" Luffy raised his fists in alarm, brass knuckles gleaming as you made your way closer to the zombie.

Pulling back your fist as you stepped in front of the undead, you grinned as you decided to use your full strength for once, and felt your humerus grit against your arm socket once your knuckles slammed into his face.

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