Your Return

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What the hell were you going to do?

The base was only a few meters away from you, home and all of your friends were right before your eyes.. yet you just couldn't take that step yet..

From behind the shadows of the forest, you curled yourself up against a tree, never taking your eyes off from where your bedroom window glimmered in the sun.

How- how were you supposed to confront them? After vanishing for how many days and popping up out of nowhere, looking roughed up as hell, saying that not only was Katakuri a ghoul too but all of the Charlottes weren't your enemies anymore?

Yeah, you wouldn't buy that either..

The front doors of the base slammed open, and with a dreadful wince you thought you were about to get confronted, however, that was not the case, as soon after, a group of raised voices met your ears.

"-I don't know! I don't know?! She could be anywhere! Doflamingo had so many enemies besides us, and she could be with any one of them!" Law stormed out of the building looking haphazard and ruffled.

Luffy soon sped out to stand beside him with a firm snarl, "then we'll storm every single one of those bastards until we find her! Together!"

After that, Law looked ready to yell something back, something with a nasty bite, but, not being able to watch them fall apart again over your hesitation, you were already rushing out to meet them.


The two froze, mirroring each other with wide, owlish eyes, before there seemed to have been a kickstarting spark shared between them, and the two men turned to where you were goofily waddling towards them.

"(Y/n)!" Luffy was the first to react, shouting at the top of his lungs and shooting both arms up- one of which consequently slapped Law across the face.

The teen then proceeded to rush you in turn, meeting you halfway in a violent hug soon springing forth howls and cheers in the midst of your excited nonsense.

"(Y/n)! We were so worried! Mingo's place was completely wrecked and crazy and Torao said somebody else took you and we had no idea who or where or what-"

The teen was quickly interrupted by a hand shoving his face aside, one that pulled you by the waist towards said hand's torso afterwards.

"(Y/n)..." you blinked softly as Law buried himself into the top of your head, sounding both lost for words yet already knowing exactly what was to be said.

It took a while for him to find the words, but when he did, you were overwhelmed by the biggest hit of euphoria in days.

"We missed you so much.."

Needless to say you were brought to tears in their arms, not even stopping when a flood of people burst from the base to welcome you back as well.

"(Y/n)! We were so worried!"

"Medic! Her wrists are a mess!"

"You're the medic you dummy!"

"Oh- right! (Y/n)!"


Once you all had your exchanges of tears and fits and trauma, you ended up gathered in the medbay as both Chopper and Law fretted over your wrists.

"That bastard smashed the Ulna and Radius..!" 

The Heart doctor was furious, constantly having to be reminded not to clutch your forearms too roughly as to avoid any jostling whilst Chopper worked on the more delicate repairs.

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