Just Sleep

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'This was a horrible plan!'

Your crazed yowls were swallowed by the gale swirling all around you as your team drove recklessly through the darkened forest.

Night had long since fallen, and without the moon to guide you through the thicket of things, you could only sit paralyzed as your friends jerked around trees with only the headlights to guide them.

By now you were already burnt out as it was, even without considering the emotional exhaustion, however, with every sudden lurch or scream that was whisked past your ears by the wind, all you could do was sit and continue to be drowned in insurmountable terror.

Sometimes a beam of light would shine behind you from the pursuing Charlottes, and someone else would always shoot back in an attempt to get them to shove off, they never stuck around long though.

You watched as other stolen cars would zig-zag alongside you, blurred chunks of metal jerking around like deer in a mad chase.

Sometimes the urge to cheer on, grab a gun, do something that could help in the escape, just to do about anything would nag at you angrily, causing you to snarl at yourself in your inaction.

Whenever you resolved to act upon them, however, there would be a particularly striking screech or a loud crash as a jeep failed to dodge a tree, and all of your collected bravado shattered across the forest floor.

Both the uncertainty, and the helplessness of the situation, had you solving to curl up on yourself and moaning to block everything out until it was over.


There wasn't really any way to know how long it's been, the grip on time you had even when you were alive was shaky, nevertheless, it was worse as a ghoul, and this escape already felt like days.

Once in a while, when the fear of not knowing reached its mark, you'd peek up from your little ball, and frown at the blurred vision all around you before returning.

There was no way of telling up from down or bright from dark, and the fact that you had no idea if this was just you being disoriented or something more dire had you nearly wailing.


A calm, young voice pierced through the panic, and with a small peek from behind your arms, you were met with two small, brown eyes.

"(Y/n), it's Chopper, I think you're having a panic attack" oh, so that's what this was? It feels a lot different from every other one you might've had in the past..

"(Y/n), I'm gonna need you to come out please, it's over, we're back at the Sunny, see?" A small hand pressed itself against your leg, and it was only in that moment that you realized that you were rocking back and forth.

Steeling yourself before taking the dive, you unfurled your body and blinked, finally seeing clearly again since the jeep first sprung to life.

As Chopper stated, the jeep was parked just a few feet from the Sunny, which was lit up like a superstore as people ran all around, presumably treating the injured and giving out rations, the talk floating all around you was a far cry from the roaring in the woods, and the gentle glow of the Sunny couldn't be compared to the flashes of headlights.

Fully relaxing into your environment, Chopper began to beam at your visible relief and turned back to Law with pride.

As you continued to unwind, the older doctor approached and analyzed you as you flopped onto your back in exhaustion.

"Are you sure that was just a panic attack?"

Chopper nodded, "I'm starting to think that her changing didn't just alter her physically, but its also affecting her emotionally.. when we first met (Y/n) she seemed fine, but now that she's being thrown in all these intense situations, her body isn't working right anymore, so chances are her chemicals and hormones are probably all out of order.."

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now