Words in the Wind

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Leaning against the stone walls of the Kidd gang's hideout, you watched the people walk around below, completely unaware of your eyes on them.

At first you were quite surprised when you finally had a good look at the exterior of the place, after all, where on earth did these guys find a real ass castle?!

You weren't as familiar with history as Robin was, but from what you knew, this place didn't ring any bells other than being styled as a typical stone keep castle that the English couldn't seem to get enough of in their prime days.

The most likely explanation was that this place was built by some eccentric rich guy, as was the usual explanation.

You've circled the whole building but there didn't seem to be any other civilization in sight, no roads either- which did strike as a little odd to you, you mean- yeah, you did kinda space out along the way here, but there was no way the trip was that long, there was no hint of the city at all.

"You that desperate to leave baby doll?"

Without thinking, you swung your arm in the direction you heard the voice, thankfully, Kidd ducked before he was struck, however the wall wasn't so lucky, and you winced as the cold stone cracked harshly under your fist.

The redhead didn't seem to mind the damage- or the fact that his head nearly got flung off his shoulders, and whistled as the limestone crumbled once you slowly retracted your arm.

"Nearly gave me the chop there.. so cold, I thought we were bonding" Kidd gave you a cocky grin, which only made you flush shyly before taking out your notebook.

'You startled me, sorry'

Kidd just hummed with a smug look, "psh, like your little swing woulda hurt me" you sweat-dropped at his arrogant demeanor.

'I've decapitated zombies with my punches.. that pride of your's is gonna kill you one day'

The man snorted, not looking disturbed in the least, "for your information, I am plenty more durable than a rotting zombie that can't even walk right.. I'll never die, especially like that"

Your lips puckered in a mischievous pout.

'Y'know I used to be a zombie, right?'

Finally, Kidd's grin dropped, and the man looked shocked by the confession, "wait- didn't Trafalgar cook you up in his freaky lab?" You tried not to smirk, hearing his softer tone and thinking that your guilt trip tactic hit him spot on.

'No, I was human like you, but then I got bit in the first wave..'

You lowered your head, half of you wondering why you were sharing something so personal with the guy that literally kidnapped you- did you even see him as your captor at this point? You began questioning whether you should tell the whole story.

Kidd made the decision for you by leaning in with an enraptured expression, grunting in the way you came to know as his way to encourage you to continue with the tale without actually making it an order.

'After that I locked myself in my room.. took some painkillers.. and promptly blacked out'

The gang leader was silent, and didn't make anymore sounds to spur you on, but you continued anyway.

'I woke up a week later as a ghoul.. but in that week that I don't recall, I think I was a zombie'

Neither of you spoke for awhile, all you could hear was the rushing of the surrounding winds, you recognized that it was colder than usual, most of it was probably from the height that the two of you were at.

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