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"I should've known better than to think any better of you morons.." Law crumpled on himself in a disheveled slouch, glaring critically into the walls as if they've betrayed him.

All around the room, voices were mounting higher with every snarky comment, the only thing keeping a brawl from breaking out was the very real fear of what the Strawhats would do in the aftermath of such disrespect.

Just as it seemed they were able to agree on things, more problems made themselves known as they chipped deeper into the woodwork that was to be their completed stratagem.

Some couldn't agree which means of attack was best, others were still debating the correct means of approach.

Most of the roars of protest were from Killer and the rest of the Kidd gang survivors, as most of the suggested ideas involved them being in a position of not enough importance- at least in their perspective.

"Why don't we ask (Y/n) what she thinks? She was actually there once, right?" For once throughout this entire debacle, Luffy suggested something not outright outlandish.

Jumping at the opportunity to flee the scene, Law flew from his seat and scurried for the door, "I'll go wake her, she should probably still be in a light state by now"

Nobody called after the raven as the door shut against his back.

With a deep breath, Law reminded himself about what was at stake- what all of these migraines were for.

Not only was Doflamingo a natural threat to everyone by just existing, but that bastard had his eyes on (Y/n), he targeted not just him and his crew, but an unfortunate woman who just had an odd, scientific occurrence happen to her at an inopportune moment.

His.. friend.

The doctor never really liked using that word, not even within the confines of his mind it felt safe to use, it was a dangerous, lethal, double-edged sword.

Friends were precious, they gave him life, gave him so many feelings and emotions beyond even the universe's understanding- (Y/n) was no exception to that, she gave him the world just by allowing herself to be held in his arms, she let him hold the world every day.

But the moment they were gone, the moment their love was no longer within his reach, within this world, that sword that gave him the strength to conquer all of his demons was then turned on him, and those same demons would eat him alive.

It was hard enough to keep track of everyone in his crew, hard enough to keep Penguin from crashing the Polar Tang into potholes, hard enough to give Bepo enough drive to last another fight for his life, hard enough to scrounge up Shachi the prescriptions he needed to keep his health stable.

It was hard enough to worry over his band of idiots every waking day, the realization that not only was another one added to the mix, but one that was already dead..? As much as he refused the thought, he found it.. frustrating.

There was nothing he could do for her but cling to the hopes of a cure, cling to the hopes that she wouldn't regress to the mindless state all other zombies were forced in, cling to the hope that she couldn't die twice..

Law loved his friends, and (Y/n).. despite how far she was from reach, she was among the most beloved.

He couldn't save her in life, probably couldn't even give that back to her, couldn't ever be more than a friend like this, but he could at least do whatever he could to protect her in whatever this undead state brought.

He could at least genuinely love her with every unrequited ounce in his body.

There was a particularly loud outburst from the room behind, which then dragged Law out from the daze he fell into with a curse, "for Christ's sake..!"

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