A Moment's Rest

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You stared blankly down at the letter, it was small, and it was really hard to read in this light as everyone was huddling over it, but it only consisted of a sentence, and that was brief enough for you to make it out.

'We have your allies and leader, show up to the entrance of the Totto estate at nightfall or they'll pay the price'

Honestly you were confused as to how to feel right now, Kidd was taken from you, and that alone had a massive blow to your emotional state, leaving you exhausted and drained, but now they had Luffy, your friends, and you could still feel that burning anger try to flare up from the dying embers.

It was.. uncomfortable, you should be livid, you should be throwing a tantrum and pounding on the heads of the perpetrators that dared do this as if their skulls were the drums of war, but you just couldn't, every attempt was squashed down by an exhaustion that felt so heavy that it turned your bones into lead.

Letting out a weary groan, you glanced back at Killer, who seemed to have not been taking it any better as he disassociated from everyone, the blonde could only manage a blank stare into his mug with a distant and mournful air about him.

Your thoughts were derailed as Nami growled to herself, seemingly starting to go ragged as she took it upon herself to lead the group until you all recollected yourselves, something you were inwardly grateful for, but you honestly couldn't show it for the life of you.

"Alright, now that we know that Big Mom has Luffy, we gotta come up with a means of retaliation by ourselves" the strawberry blonde grimaced.

Brook, being the one of the only two other people figuratively calm and collected over the situation, gave the note a dirty look, before sullenly turning to Nami with an apprehensive posture.

"Why did Big Mom attack Trafalgar and.. Eustass, at the same time though?" Brook hesitated to bring up the deceased in front of you, but managed to continue on anyway with a nibble to the lower lip.

"It was a tactical decision" you all turned to Robin, "they wanted to cut off our potential allies and lure us out where they could get us without angering Whitebeard"

Nami groaned at the information, "well it seems everything's gone according to their plan.."

You whined, which was answered with a comforting pet to the head by the kindly raven, "(Y/n), I think its best if you go get some rest"

Suddenly, you were much awake and aware, all previous fatigue promptly forgotten as you shook your head wildly in decline, "oawh!" You growled.

"She's right (Y/n)" everyone was shocked to find that the one to turn on your case first was Killer.

You began to whimper in protest, but was swiftly cut off by a sharp hiss by the gangster, shocking you into silence, "no- listen, those bastards killed Kidd, and we're gonna fuck them up, but the only way to do that is with you, you're our secret weapon, but you ain't kicking any ass in that state so go get your ass in bed!"

Killer easily herded you from the room and pushed you in the direction of the guest rooms, giving you a pointed look as you hesitated in leaving but ultimately caved in, not from his glare, but when it turned into something more begging and desperate.

Without a word you slunk away to your room, staring at the bed for a good while before falling into it.


You were eventually brought out of it by a timid knock at the door, "(Y/n)? You awake now?"

Fumbling out of the bed, you clumsily maneuvered yourself off the mattress, but forgot to pull away the blanket and ended up in a tangled mess on the floor with a graceless thud.

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