Ghoulish Behavior

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"So.. this changes things, right?" Usopp's eyes flitted between (Y/n) and the newly returned Eustass Kidd, being one of the surprising few to keep a cool demeanor upon seeing the man metaphorically and literally come back from the dead.

Ignoring the multitude of conversations overgoing above her head, as per usual, (Y/n) busied herself with rolling around the gaming area with her fellow ghoul, repeatedly circling around each other in a cycle of lightly mauling each other in between hisses and yips, only to pull away momentarily to lick their wounds before one would initiate a chase that would eventually bring them back to square one.

A few feet away from them, Killer hovered about the arcade games with a visible sort of stress, both elated with having his friend back and worried sick with his unusual behavior since returning.

It didn't help that Kidd refused Killer's approach upon arrival.

Law hummed, eyes never leaving the pair in a calculative gaze, "in which way?"

"Well, now we can be sure that Katakuri's case wasn't a fluke" Robin calmly sipped a drink that Law guessed was alcoholic in nature, if Nami's ever shifting demeanor after downing several cups meant anything to go by.

"True, though I doubt it could've been, in any case" the doctor watched in fascination as the ghouls continued to roll around as play fighting wolves, with (Y/n) ending up on top of Eustass more often than the alternative.

Now having the chance to take a few steps away and watch their interactions with a more steady thought, Law could notice how the two never actually went to 'bite' each other in the literal since, but more like latching onto each other using their teeth in order to steady the other, or as a small gesture to communicate 'slow down' or 'stop for a moment'.

He could also see how they blunted their own hands into folded palms when clawing at each other, more obviously hooking at each other's clothes and curves than actually catching onto skin and digging in it.

The licking was still a problem though.

"Eustass!" The ghouls jumped with a pair of yelps before throwing heavy stares that weren't quite glares his way.

"Watch your fucking mouth or I'll fucking muzzle you!"

The redhead simply yowled in displeasure at his threat with a half-mumble of something like 'go fwck ya'self' before hopping on (Y/n) once more and initiating another chase around the arcade machines.

"The fuck're they doing over there?" Sanji walked in just in time to watch the pair lose balance and topple over each other into the ball pit, in which soon afterwards, all that could be heard were unholy screeches and wails that would chill unknowing passersby right down to the core of their soul. 

"Whatever the fuck they're doing I've not drunk enough for it" Zoro proceeded to thrust out an empty tankard towards the blonde with an irritable snarl on his face.

Shockingly enough, Sanji actually filled it up without as much as an insult on his lips.

The situation was burning through them all more than he thought.

Law himself was passed down a mug with contents that looked exactly like whatever it was the Strawhats have been chugging down for the past half hour.

"I think they're play fighting" Law cautiously sniffed the contents of the mug before taking a testing sip, it was bitter, a sharp fruity aftertaste was noted as well, but all in all, the drink wasn't bad.

Bepo, god bless him for his endless patience, allowed Law to finish chugging his drink down before speaking, "Captain? Are we gonna do something about.. them?"

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