Final Rest

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Both Jinbe and Zoro rushed you without delay, and in turn you followed up the previous roundhouse with a flying kick.

At this point, you've come to accept that the greenie has gotten well adjusted to both your move set and your strength, and as such he was able to back off with ease, however, Jinbe..

"Ack!" Your foot nearly hit him square in the chest, the only cushion between the initial impact being the two arms he was able to raise just in time in defense, although that really didn't prove to do much with your power.

The older man fell back on his ass, and in light of your small time victory, you began to dance on the spot as Zoro helped him up again.

"No matter how many times I'm subjected to it, I always seem to get caught off guard by your power (Y/n)" Jinbe palmed the areas on his arms that have already begun bruising, each one a mistake learned.

"Uoshh gek- oeeezeee!" Zoro snorted at the obvious taunting as you changed your random shuffling into the macarena.

"I think she's making fun of us Jinbe.." the older man laughed along, taking no offense to your antics, "she's improved astronomically, (Y/n) has every right to be excited"

Which was true, considering you weren't getting your arms chopped off during every other spat anymore, much to Chopper's relief.

The teenager glanced at the time before rolling his shoulders with a sigh, "the idiot cook and Killer are probably almost done with dinner, we should get going"

After Law and Killer made it known that their stay would be extended until the issue with Big Mom was solved, you and the rest of your gang worked together to make sure the base could accommodate the new numbers.

That included turning the lounging area into a makeshift mess hall.

With a short agreement on all sides, the three of you made a trip to the impromptu mess hall, where Killer greeted you with a smile in his eyes.

"Good spar?" You growled endearingly, even though it meant slobbering a bit in the process.

'We having supper?'

Killer rumbled at the chicken and fish doodles, finding them amusing in their messy glory, "almost ready.. and there'll be dessert as well I hear"

You visibly brightened at the thought of dessert, and some of the nearby guys laughed at the sight.

In no time at all, everybody gathered around to chow down, conversation floated through the air as the food was passed around and a few times stolen from plates, people eased into laughter just as well as their tears from days past.

It was a bittersweet, yet welcome new pace, you were done with moping about, done with feeling less than useful, and you were done with pulling the punches.

"Oh yeah! Guys! I got something important to say!" Luffy stood up from where he was hogging a pile of dishes and addressed the room, causing the crowd to grow still.

The raven glanced to Jinbe, who seemed to have been in on the loop, and slumped into a lighthearted grin when the man nodded back.

"A little while ago, me and some of the guys had a chat with old man Whitebeard about the situation!" Some people in the room began to shift, and mummers were passed around.

"Anyway, he said that he'd handle Big Mom for a while but there's another problem we gotta deal with ourselves"

Law leaned forwards, very much invested in the topic of conversation, "and what would that be?"

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