Don't Fear the Frenzy

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When you first laid eyes upon the living legend that was Edward Newgate, you couldn't really understand where all the hype was coming from.

Sure, his ridiculous height advantage is usually something out of nightmares, but the way he carried himself through his age made it hard to be conscious of it.

And despite having shared the title of head honcho with Big Mom for the entirety of the east side of the country, he was much less abrasive and authoritative with his demands and proposals.

At that moment, your first impression was that of an aged man entering the twilight zone of his era.

You kinda regret letting appearances get the better of you now.

Because as of now, with the man himself no longer lounged in a couch and laughing away any opposition, you could really let it all truly sink in.

Whitebeard was unfairly tall, enough so that he could loom over you without any effort- or at least as long as he had his cane to keep his balance.

Said cane was looking more like a weapon for bludgeoning the closer you looked.

Still old and weathered, but something told you that the age hasn't done much to erode his iron fist yet, and the thought was suddenly terrifying.

"Gurarara! You're with Ace-boy's younger brother aren't you?"

"Yesh" you couldn't even register any fear from the accidental slur.

Nevertheless, Whitebeard seemed overall pleased with your presumed recovery to his sudden appearance.

"Hmm, not a bad choice you made there, though since you were a stray before then, I doubt that decision was made as a tactical one"

You winced under the mask, not knowing how to feel with the realization that he must've been listening in on your conversation.

"Well don't I feel special? Having all this attention from you guys..."

Whitebeard didn't laugh this time, "I understand a stray like you might not get it, but thoroughly reaffirming the characters I'm allowing an armistice with is something I take seriously"

You couldn't help but find his tone a little odd, but with so little to work off from you simply let the implications gloss over you.

A thin sheet of sweat was now coating your skin, making you want to hiss and shed the clothes off until you could breathe again- despite not being able to control your temperature or your hormones anymore.

Shit, this was really stressing you out.

"Well then do I pass the test? Or are you gonna bombard me with more badly hidden questions?"

One of the boys made a deep-throated cough from behind, sounding as if they were dismayed by your lack of tact or respect for their leader.

The giant actually laughed this time, thank God, you could only withstand that wordless glower for so long.

"You don't seem like a bad sort, or even that interested in politics.. but I do have a few more questions for ya, if you're willing, lass"

With an over exaggerated roll of the eyes, you crossed your arms and sat down against the balcony's rails, hoping to all the hells that the overabundance of sweat forming wouldn't make itself noticeable.

"Let's get this over with" the sooner you could get these guys off your back the better.

"That Charlotte brat said you were the one to inadvertently aid his coup?"

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