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The swarm of zombies that were flooding closer to the girl instantly pulled back at your shout, and as the undead hoard shuffled to evade your rage, the people in the stands went quiet in baffled confusion.

Realizing how bad this was, you regained your senses and breathed, watching the child dart her head around in bewilderment, you went back to your act as you clumsily stumbled towards her alone, wearily keeping an eye on the hoard in case one would dart out again.

Ignoring the stares of the crowd, knowing how strange it was for one zombie to be approaching food whilst the rest backed off, you sweated as the child inched away from you, obviously frozen with fear.

Turning your face from the crowd, you did the first thing that came to your mind and winked, which seemed to have worked immediately, seeing the girl's face light up in shock before ultimately calming down.

Though things didn't seem to like going to plan, because as you almost got to her, it seemed one zombie was gone enough to actually risk his neck against you and limp towards the kid from behind.

Immediately being set off, you darted forwards, reeled back a fist, and blew the head off- though you didn't completely regret it as much as you would've, since the head fly up into the stands and zoom by the creep's face! Yes!

Moving fast after that, you rushed to the kid, knelt down to scoop them onto your back, and began to scream like hell, causing the zombie hoard to immediately scatter as a reaction.

All hell began to break apart at that.

The people in the stands lost their minds, running around, rushing to where they thought safety was- and consequentially causing very few to lose balance and fall below, ending up as munchies for the monsters.

Doflamingo though- you just had to look, pushed the corpses off of him, stood up, and just watched you...

Creepy as hell.

Keeping a good grip on the girl, you decided you didn't like the slow pace of the hoard and tried to jump over them, which ended up badly.

Of course, you never tried to jump at full strength before, and sadly, you underestimated yourself once again as you burst into the air, only hearing the girl wail her head off with how high you jumped- hell you could see the whole village from up there! She nearly popped your head off as gravity worked it's magic to bring you back to earth.

Your only two options were either- landing on the ground and probably snapping both your legs, or landing on that creep's sofa and wishing the best.

Unfortunately, for the kid's safety, you chose the greater evil in exchange for less of a risk to her life.

Landing ass down on his shitty throne, you swear you felt a spring break and launch itself into your ass- but that fucked up bastard and his creepy grin were ranking higher on your list of concerns.

Patting the kid over from behind for any injuries, you wearily watched the man who literally towered over you without even trying, just standing there with his creepy grin- which you realized, was so much worse up close, as now you were seeing the explicit details, and it didn't help that he literally looked like he was about to jump you.

Like what the hell was wrong with this guy?! Usually men were concerned about you jumping them! Not the other way around!

He's a freak! A super mega freak! That was the only explanation you had that would make sense to you!

"You're.. not alive.." you flinched at his words, not because of what he said, but the tone, it was like he was so giddy, ecstatic even.

The suggestion in it made your body physically shrivel up, and his grin only widened- which aggravated the Glasgow smile and caused the edges of his lips to drip blood.

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now