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"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Zombie!" Instantly driven into alert at the shout, you rushed around the corner and body slammed the said zombie into the asphalt.

Once you were sure the being was a well and splattered bug against the pavement, you stood up again only to have Usopp and Nami embrace you from both sides in a tight hug.

"You're a hero! No! A goddess! Thank you so much for doing patrol with us (Y/n)! You're the most powerful and magnificent creature to ever walk these streets!"

"(Y/n)-chan! Thank you so much! You're such a good girl! We'd never know what to do without you!"

Sweat-dropping at the pair's groveling, you gently pushed them away and gave your friends firm pats on the back.

"We're friends, of course I'll always have your backs"

That only seemed to succeed in making them cry more, though, and much to your waning patience, had them smothering you in bear hugs.

"Waaaah! (Y/n)-chan!" The duo wailed.

Eventually, long after Usopp hesitated before shying away from every shadow, and Nami jumped over every shrill sound from the distance less frequently, the streets of the surrounding area were splotched with appropriate amounts of blood and gore.

Without the continuous drone of zombie grunts and shuffling feet echoing around the periphery, the city sounded truly dead, and the absence of life in such a large and open space almost made you more uneasy than when it was infested.

Usopp must have been feeling the same way, as the young man spent little time in contacting Franky to leave.

"Hey, Franky! We finished our patrol around the upper east of town, and could use a pickup soon.."

"Owww! I'll be there in ten bros! Almost done gathering some wicked supplies!" Despite not being on speaker, the older man was heard loud and clear through the dead air, and you couldn't help but pull a smirk at his enthusiasm.

"Good, good, everything alright on your end? We went through a bit more waves than usual but I think we actually have the area nearly cleared"

Not particularly interested in the ongoing conversation, you decided to distract yourself with Nami's sweater, or more accurately, to just chew on it.

Typically you'd think twice before putting your mouth near any of Nami's items, considering her unruly temper when provoked, however, not only was this sweater a hand-me-down from one of the guys, but you knew she didn't agree with how it clashed with her hair.

And, the most obvious point, the only reason she would wear such a thing out zombie-weeding was because she didn't mind losing it should it get contaminated.

The texture of cotton between your teeth was a very comforting feeling, and you couldn't restrain the drowsy rumble that escaped you from how nice it felt as you slowly came down from your adrenaline high.

'I'm definitely taking a nap as soon as we get home...'

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before you were snapped out of your state of half-wakefulness as Usopp was quick to throw a fuss over your fading consciousness.

"Ah! Don't fall asleep (Y/n)! There might still be zombies around!" Jerking you away from where you latched yourself to Nami's sleeve, the tanned man made sure to rattle you back and forth in a way that forced your attention.

Nami wasn't to fall behind, and she began to hover over you with a now frightened look about her, "Yeah, yeah, yeah! You gotta stay awake and protect us until Franky gets here! We're vulnerable out here!"

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now