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Rushing through the halls to your room, you cried in terror as distorted groans roared over the sound of your apartment building being overrun by scuffling bodies.

The screams of neighbors and acquaintances have long been in an uproar since the zombies wormed their way into the building, died into mere echoes as they scaled the floors, and silenced once they forced their way into the halls.

Despite the fact you gained only a maximum of four hours of sleep last night, you continued to jog past the disoriented walls, and by now you came to the startling conclusion that you were only running on adrenaline.

Sweet, sweet, lifesaving adrenaline.

"Please, please.." seeing the door to your room at the very end of the hall, you felt your puffy (E/c) eyes water in relief and you made a blind rush for the door.

Big mistake.

Your hand barely brushed against the fickle metal knob when a shrill caterwaul that pitifully imitated that of a human's yell sounded off, then half of your vision was stripped from you whilst something with a harsher force collided into you.

As you fell under the attacker's weight, you briefly realized it bit you in the eye and reflexively detached it's jaw from your face.

Screaming half in pain, and half in panic, you kept a shaky iron grip on the thing's neck as it babbled nonsensically in a rabid lust for your flesh, jaw flexing and unflexing above you with haphazard eyes.

It kind of reminded you of a fish choking for breath on land.

Luckily, it seemed as if somebody before you has already taken their share of the monster's body before falling victim to it's seemingly insatiable hunger, the zombie was lacking a left arm from the shoulder down, and half of the skin and tissue on it's face was stripped away by despairing nails of the barely living.

Using your other hand to shove it off, the zombie's half cracked head slammed unceremoniously against the calm peach walls- creating a violent stain of red the size of your palm, and wanting to reach safety before more flooded the halls, whilst clutching your eye, you swiftly turned away for the door.

Another big mistake

The zombie obviously didn't need long to recuperate- if it even did so, as it came slamming against your apartment door just as you slipped through.

You screamed at the abrupt assault, and nearly jumped away from the door when it stuck it's arm through and clawed the cheek under your bleeding eye, but keeping through the pain, you managed to force the door shut long enough for you twist the lock.

Immediately slumping once you heard that comforting click, you writhed in pain only for a good moment or two before being brought back to reality by thunderous bangs on the other side of the door.

If more of them began to gather there, it wouldn't take long for them to bust down that door.

Crawling through the pain, you clutched the sides of your heavy wooden bookcase that nearly reached the ceiling and clumsily pulled it over to the door- although you slipped on your own blood once or twice before succeeding.

Once the bookcase was safely secured over the door, you immediately stumbled to your bathroom, clutching your eye again with soft hisses forced underneath gritted teeth and tears, you tried to refrain yourself from looking up.

Stubbornly keeping yourself up against the sink, with the hand that wasn't cupping your mangled eye, you opened the faucet and let it run as you blindly clawed for the painkillers and swallowed an unknown handful.

Anything to just make the unbearable pain leave.

Meekly removing your bloodied hand, you bit your lip and used the water to clean the blood out, even using a rag to stop the bleeding- which in itself took eternity.

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now