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"You- I- she-" Law continued to sputter nonsense as he paced anxiously around the base's lounge, repeatedly glancing at you and flinching like you were going to jump his bones or something.

It kind of made you feel more comfortable to be around him, now seeing him act so skittish with you just sitting there, he didn't have such an intimidating aura about him anymore.

His crew, however, seemed to have taken it much better then he did, since the three were not only sitting in the lounge with cups of fucking tea, but they were even trying to initiate a conversation with you.

"So you're like- a zombie, but you're still alive..?" Asked the redhead.

Scribbling swiftly on your notebook, you tried to finish writing before one of them inevitably asked another question to pile onto the gigantic pile.

'I'm dead, but for some reason I still have my sanity, and I've been regaining control of my body too.. before this, it was really hard to write'

"Is that how you were able to run through those zombies? They knew you were one of them?" This time the good-natured question came from the timid albino, who you noticed tried to keep silent the majority of the time.

'No, I'm completely different from the zombies, they see me as a predator so they avoid me out of instinct, I think it's like being a school of fish with a shark'

The capped man named Penguin made a choking sound as he was sipping his tea, clumsily slamming the cup into the coffee table as he harshly coughed in between the words he stubbornly tried to choke out.

"Predator-?! You mean- those things are scared of- they fear you?!" Nodding your head in response, the three men gave you incredulous gasps, seemingly amazed.

"When did you turn?"

Jumping at the voice, you turned in surprise to see Law, now seeming to have come to terms with your existence and joining in on the interrogation.

"Four- no, I think five months now" both of you turned to Luffy, who leaped into the empty space beside you on the couch and leaned on your shoulder with a stupid grin, "(Y/n) told us about how she got turned when she was attacked by zombies, for some reason she turned into a ghoul instead of a zombie though.."

Law walked around the couch and sat with his men, following suit, the rest of the gang sat in the rest of the empty seats, making it look like you were all taking some meeting.

The Heart gang leader slouched over with his hands woven together and pressing against his nose, looking as if he was in deep thought until finally, a large, wry smile broke his poker face and he chuckled almost bitterly.

"Only you could find something so miraculous Strawhat.." looking to you with a thoughtful stare, you gripped onto Luffy's warm hand and resisted the urge to look away.

This lasted until his attention rested on the raven leaning on you with an almost annoyed expression.

"Strawhat, I can only hope you're aware of how important that ghoul is.." the teen sat up at that, now giving Law an equally serious look, "all my nakama are important Law"

Zoro grunted from where he sat to the far left, subtly smiling as he patted Chopper's head in what seemed to have been a habit, "yeah we know Luffy, but I think this guy might have something else in mind.." giving Law an amused look, you watched in confusion as everyone relaxed, as if they already determined the other supernova wasn't a threat.

Law groaned irritably, "Strawhat, are you aware of what her very existence implies?"

"She's living- undead proof, of a possible cure to this pandemic, she's a potential variable that can send the whole New World into chaos with who gets monopolization of her, this is a walking miracle that other people will certainly kill to get ahold of"

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now