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"So.. yer probably wondering why I brought you here" again the redhead tried to engage you in conversation, but with every other attempt, you didn't respond.

You stared back at the man with pursed lips, completely unamused with his nice and civil facade, especially with how he was pointedly ignoring the men rooting through your satchel near his side of the table.

You glanced around, narrowing your eyes at all the thugs looming over you from the sides of the room, busy entertaining themselves with whatever they fancied to do with you as they stared, not truly looking at you.

Only a few others besides you and the leader were sitting at the table itself, all of which you guessed were the main squad.

The redhead coughed into his fist, seemingly displeased with the silence but not acting out on it, instead he hunched over and grinned again, this time a little more stretched than before.

It was almost amusing, seeing as you couldn't speak anyway.

"Not much of a talker are ya?" Suddenly his eyes lit up and he straightened up in his seat, holding himself in a way that looked like it held a challenge, "or are you too scared to even squeak?"

Frowning grumpily at his insinuation, and embarrassed by the laughs that came from it, you just shrugged deeper into your baggy jumpsuit and gave him a mean glare, already having a few ideas on how to kick his ass, if he should give you the chance.

There were a few moments of silence, and this time, he was visibly growing frustrated by your lack of compliance.

"Listen" his fist slammed harshly onto the table, and several people shrunk back into the walls from his expression alone, "I have a few questions I wanna ask you.. answer them and we'll let you go, unharmed, okay?"

By now you were considering trying to speak yourself, but refrained from doing so, knowing that it would give away what you truly were and most likely get you killed, however, it seemed that any more of the silent treatment was going to do that to you anyway, as he seemed inches away from wringing your neck.

Well.. fuck you.

Abruptly, the leader leapt from his seat, momentum being strong enough to cause the chair to fall over, and you were legitimately sweating, knowing that this was probably gonna end with you covered in blood, no matter who won.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, why am I getting into this shit..'

"Alright, you little-" "Kidd, wait"

Blinking at the new, deeper voice, you turned to one of the other men at the table, more specifically, one of the men given the task of searching your satchel, and slumped in relief seeing him pass the leader your notebook.

"She's a mute"

As the redhead snatched the notebook from him and flipped through the pages, you suddenly stiffened again, realizing that you still had snippets from previous conversations in there, with incriminating information.

Staring hard into the man that had handed out your notebook, you only grew more anxious seeing that any expression he may have had was hidden by a hockey mask.

Oh please somebody just shoot you...

Thankfully, it seemed the redhead was merely gliding through the words and not really paying them any mind, until he rested on one page, and his expression darkened considerably.

You could feel your skin crawl, and an almost ghostly voice whispered over your shoulder in a fearful, tiny voice, which you realized two seconds too late was your own.

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now