Hands! Hands!

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"Go (Y/n)!" Glancing back to give Luffy a smile, you turned back to Zoro right as he swung down his hatchet, nearly slicing off your arm just as you hopped back in response.

As you did so, Jinbe frowned before calling out a reminder to you, "stop dodging! This training is to help you understand that strength of yours! Try and block Zoro's attacks instead!" Pouting at that, you loosely mumbled nonsense underneath your breath, sweating at the clear grin on the greenie's face.

He was enjoying the hell outta this.

"Uaugh.." turning back to Jinbe with a hesitant moan, the other gave you a blank look, clearly showing he wasn't going to hear any of your complaints.

There was a narrowing of his eyes as he spoke about something with Luffy before the boy left.

'God, I'm gonna die' hissing as Zoro continued to persistently swipe his weapons at you, finally feeling frustrated from the 'no gain' situation, you began to watch the way his arms moved closely, trying to find a pattern or opening to use.

'There!' Darting forwards when the pattern finally came to you, the intention was to rip the hatchet from his arms and convince Jinbe to at last give you a break, but- paling when his grin broadened, the greenie abruptly changed the way his hatchet was swinging and gripped it harshly, "nice try!"

You felt both disappointed and slightly heartbroken as the hatchet caused both of your outstretched arms to go flying off, landing somewhere far away from your peripheral vision on the floor of the dubbed training room just as you landed flat on your ass.

"Zoro!" Both of you flinching at the shout, the greenie began to break out into a sweat as Jinbe leaned over the railings with a disappointed look, "you're supposed to go easy with her! How is (Y/n) supposed to get any better if you keep turning on her at the last minute?!"

Shying away from his scolding, the other teen clicked his tongue and stared into the floor with a scowl, "yeah yeah, I know.." looking back to you, he glanced down at the stumps beginning at your elbows and sighed.

"Here.." bending down to help you up, the other man gave you a half-apologetic expression and rubbed his head awkwardly, "sorry about that, you should have gotten the win that time.."

Smiling at the apology, you raised your stumps halfway, only to remember that your appendages were laying on the other side of the room and settled on softly headbutting him.

"Really, if you hate to lose that much Zoro, then you should have Sanji help her practice instead.." seeing something at the corner of your eye, you smiled seeing Jinbe handing your arms back to you, which you clumsily accepted within your hand-less grasp.

"Eh, that swirly-brows can't hit a woman for shit, besides.." both glancing at you as you struggled to hold onto your arms, the teen eventually caved in and took them from you, securing them both under his arm, "I think she's strong enough to head out, I was going pretty rough with her just now, she did good"

Brightening up at this, you stood up on your tippy-toes and leaned onto the other excitedly, your (E/c) eye shimmering in pride as he struggled to lean away, "ack! (Y/n) don't get so close you'll drool on me!"

Jinbe deflated, taking the arms from Zoro with little protest, "yes that's true, but the whole point of this training is to help her gain a sense of that strength, if (Y/n) were to ever fight another living person instead of a zombie.."

The greenie broke out into laughter, "if anybody tried to pick a fight with her they'd end up running for the hills!" Glancing up at the larger man, you giggled yourself, seeing the pure disdain on his face.

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