Meet Up

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Wire and Heat tied up the laces of your new getup, and although sometimes they'd fasten it a little too tightly, you didn't find a reason to complain, as breathing wasn't that important anymore.

'Do I really have to change my clothes?'

Heat played with your hair, seemingly brushing out minor tangles as he saw fit, only to give you an apologetic look.

"Sorry (Y/n), captain's orders" you only pouted, only to regret it a moment later as your teeth ground uncomfortably with the action.

Your lack of control over your mouth didn't bug you as much as it used to, as you've grown used to it by now, but that didn't mean it was no longer an issue with you..

"Besides, you've been wearing that jumpsuit ever since you got here, it was starting to stink" Wire's indifferent comment struck you the wrong way, and your jaw clenched in an audibly painful way.

'I'll get it back once it's cleaned right?'

Heat hummed, comfortingly, "once it's clean we'll hand it back to you"

The three of you chatted about random things until your 'new look' was deemed presentable, and Heat gently motioned you over to the mirror before sneaking towards the door with his partner.

"Me and Wire are gonna go tell Killer you're ready, so don't lose your head while we're gone-!" The blue haired punk squealed fervently as he made a blind dash through the door, seeing you raise a nearby brush in silent threat.

Both you and Wire exchanged dry looks as you heard the unmistakable sound of Heat tripping down the stairs, a little too soon after his departure.

"I should go check if he's okay.." you nodded to the larger man, shooing him off lightheartedly as you turned back to the mirror.

Just like everyone else in Kidd's gang, you were dressed as the typical apocalyptic wasteland scavenger, ready to go full loco on anyone at anytime.. and honestly that felt strangely empowering.

Your waist was hugged with a leather vest, open at the sides and bound together with laces, low-key making you anxious and all too aware of your breasts- but despite that, you kept the fur coat drooped around your arms.

Everything else was either made of denim or linen, which kinda gave it a cosplay or costume feel but you honestly didn't mind it, as it only made the whole situation feel more lighthearted then it really was.

Wire- the absolute madlad, had a career in cosmetics before the whole world order ended and had insisted on making you a vision for your reunion.

Not only did he help cover up the dead, sunken look in your skin, but he was able to apply it without any mishaps related to your uncontrollable drooling.

"Hey, so we got a call that your leader is almost... here"

Turning back, you saw Killer blink a few times, wordlessly fumble with something in his pocket before pulling out a phone and taking a picture without warning.

Quirking your head at his behavior, you gave the blonde a look to explain himself, only to grow even more confused as he backed out the door he came through and promptly left the room.

What was that about?

Looking back at your reflection, you now appraised yourself with a more critical eye, hoping you didn't miss anything embarrassing in your lazy glance over that would warrant any scandal or playful teasing.

After finding nothing wrong for the fourth time, you were just about to turn on your heel and storm after Killer when a commotion blew up in the halls.

(Au! One Piece X Undead! Reader) Not Quite DeadWhere stories live. Discover now