Agent Zombie 3.0

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You watched patiently, watched as the crew stood before the iron gates of the Totto estate as the sun bled out into the skies upon setting.

Not a sound was made from where you hid, a feat not so incredible considering you were a corpse, but considering how naturally loud you were on a regular day, you probably would've been proud of yourself.

Luffy certainly will once you spring him out of there.

Your eyes stung as a large vehicle with high-beams suddenly appeared from the other side of the gate, and with great care, you slunk deeper into the shadows of the vegetation around you.

A tall man exited the tank and approached your nakama, and with that you sprung into action.

Speeding to the side of the wall, you waited until the newcomers began herding your friends through the gates to leap over the walls and charge through the forest circling the heart of the property.

It was awfully quiet for a forest, no game, no birds, no zombies- which must've been one hell of a chore to flush out, with a place as great as this for sneak attacks.

For a moment, you were worried for the others as you heard the vehicle's engine roar to life, no doubt with them loaded onto it now, but you forced those thoughts down for now.

Focus on Luffy and the gang.. yeah.

You eventually came to a break in the treeline, and immediately took to the shadows again as you spotted more lights.

Peeking from behind your hiding spot, you analyzed the great mansion with great trepidation, light poured from every window, and you could see shadows go by on every floor, in every room, shadowed guards marched along the perimeter of the building.

This wasn't going to be easy to get past all that.. maybe you could jump onto the roof?

You narrowed your eyes at the said roof and pursed your lips in hesitation.

While the distance didn't seem too unreasonable, you didn't know if the roof itself was safe for walking on, or even worse, if it was strong enough to withstand your strength and weight.

As you continued to assess your options, the vehicle from before arrived, and all personnel within the vicinity rushed to most likely escort your friends inside.

This was your best chance to go unnoticed.

Clicking your tongue at the inconvenience, you literally ran back into the shadows, took a calming growl, and leaped as high as you could to avoid being seen.

It was much harder to maneuver yourself this time than when you jumped out of that arena with Tama, you couldn't see anything, nor could you actually measure your distance from your target as you had no set landing point.

Deciding to swallow your fears, you blindly aimed yourself for the roof of the mansion, and just as you were about to strike the shingles, you realized too late how loud this would be upon impact.

Slamming into the roof was jarring for only a moment, your head bounced off the shingles and rang slightly, however, that was the worst of it, the real problem was the gigantic bang that followed, and you could only pray to god that the gang was either kicking up a fuss as they were being escorted, or the room directly below you was empty.

Huffing to yourself at your own clumsiness, you cautiously waddled along the roof, conscious of every creek and thud until you found yourself at the edge with a bright window directly below.

Taking a risk, you hung your upper body from the roof and peered into the window.

At first it was hard to connect what you were seeing to your brain, as you were upside down, but once your eyes adjusted to the bright light, you came to realize that you were peering into a kitchen, an empty one too.

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