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Here we are...

Randy walked around the corridor of the school to see Nomi, someone he knew and fell, but Randy knew Nomi doesn't like him. He knew too well.

"Come on, Cunningham. You know the drill." He said to himself and opened his locker. It was filled with ninja magnets and notes. A typical nerd stuff. He took out his books for his next class and accidentally dropped his magnet, rolled all the way to Nomi's legs. Nomi noticed it and picked it up, looking at it before looking at Randy.

"Is this yours?" He asked as he showed the magnet to Randy. The purple boy nod shyly.

"... Here you go then." He said and pass it to Randy, who reluctantly took it. Nomi bowed and left like there formal person he is. Randy sighed.

"Great, now he knew you are a ninja nerd as well. Way to go, Cunningham." He said and banged his head against the lockers. Ouch, that's gonna hurt for a while. He walked towards his classroom and saw Nomi next to his seat. He sat down next to him and opened his notebook.

Nomi was looking outside of the window when he saw Randy doing something in the notebook. What is he doing? Wait, you can't know that. Curiosity killed the cat, right? Maybe a little peak. Nomi took a small leak and saw a drawing of Ninja and Nomicon, mostly Nomicon. Why?

"Hey, Randy?" Nomi asked. Randy looked at Nomi with wonder.

"Yes?" He asked. Nomi pointed at the drawings Randy had made.

"Is that Nomicon?" He asked. Randy nod gently.

"Yeah, I'm actually a big fan of him." He admitted with a small smile and a hint of blush. Nomi got curious about it.

"Why are you a fan of him?" He asked wanting Randy to continue. Randy didn't know why Nomi's curiosity perked out. But hey, at least he can make a conversation with him, right?

"Cause I found out that he's a teacher to the ninja and I feel like he needs more credit for his teachings so that the ninja can learn how to protect the city. I really like him to be honest." He explained, sometimes blush at the words he said. Nomi was mesmerized by Randy's words. How thoughtful.

"So if you can choose between meeting the ninja and meeting the Nomicon, which one is it gonna be?" He asked. Randy giggled.

"Nomicon of course!" He admits with a smile Nomi never seen before. It looked, pure.

"I see." Nomi said and turned back to class, leaving Randy being quiet. It's a shot, isn't it?

"Sigh..." Randy sighed and looked back at his class. Great, now he ignores you. Perfect. Just what all nerds wants. Alone time. Alone...


Randy's eyes drooped and he fell asleep. His body seemed tired.


Nomi noticed Randy about to fall asleep and decided to let him like that. He covered him with books and disguised it up.


Two hours later...

Randy woke up to see a jacket laid on him, wait... This belongs to Nomi. He pick the jacket up and look at the time. It's home time already. Dang it. He took the jacket with him and decided to give it tomorrow. The held the clothes close to him and he can smell a few scents from it.


Green Tea.


It smells... Wonderful. Oh boy. Randy shook his head rapidly. No no no! He's just a friend, don't think him as a crush! He walked back home and saw his brother and mother. Oh no...

"Mom, you okay?" He asked as he placed down his stuff next to the door. His mother is on the couch, tired and sick looking. But, she smiled. It hurts.

"I'm okay, dear. Just tired that's all. Your brother here is having a flu. Can you make some soup for him, sweety?" She asked. Randy nod at his mother and went to the kitchen to make some soup. He knew his family problems. Even though his mother and brother are older than him, he knew most things.

He is a pretty poor in his family. They couldn't afford muh things, only enough to survive. He tried to find some jobs but none of them accepted him. Even if he's the ninja, they won't get payed. Not at all. He sighed as he pour in the soup and gave it to his sick brother and mother.

"Thanks, bro..." His brother said and ate the soup. Randy nod and walked towards the staircase.

"I'll be taking a breath." He said and they knew what he meant. They knew he's the ninja so they trusted him. Randy became the ninja and jumped from building to building. He arrived at his school and rest there. Nomicon was there meditating until he saw the Ninja.

"Hey, bad day?" He asked. Ninja shrugged.

"Dunno. My family is having a crisis and now they're sick. I have no more money to pay for them and I need to find it soon." He said with a groan. Nomicon can feel sadness from it. Stress and distress.

"It's going to be okay, Ninja. It'll be fine." He said to calm him down. Ninja sighed.

"My life is gonna be hard, Nomicon. How can I handle all of this?" He asked. Wait, is he feeling lonely? Nomicon asked himself. Seems like it.

"Ninja, are you lonely?" He asked. Ninja went quiet before nod.

"Kinda... But you're here making it not as much." He admits. Nomicon sighed and took out a bag. He opened it and took a few paper money from it. He then gave it to Ninja with a sincere smile.

"Here you go, Ninja. Consider this as a gift and payment after all the good work you did." He said. Ninja was about to tear up.

"W-wait, why?" He asked. Nomicon chuckled.

"You're my friend and student, Ninja. After what you told me, I feel bad so I decided to help out." He explained. Ninja teared up. How kind of Nomicon. His tears soaked the mask and Nomicon wiped it for him.

"Now now, don't cry. Take the cash and we can call it even." He said with a smile. Ninja nod his head and kissed him dearly before saying thank you and left the place to his family.

Nomicon was surprised by the sudden kiss that Ninja just gave to him. It felt, nice? He shook the thought and walked back towards his home to rest for the day.

Randy came to school with a smile. The debts are now paid and he can finally study for his own now. He really wanted to thank Nomicon for it. As he walked, he accidentally bumped into Nomi who was reading a book.

"Oh. I'm so sorry..." He said worriedly. Nomi chuckled.

"It's fine, Randy. You looked happy. What's going on?" He asked closing his book.

"Oh I had a family crisis and my family was sick, but someone helped me and I wanted to thank him for it." He explained. Nomi was curious cause that's the same problem the ninja had. Wait...

"Ninja?" He asked. Randy was surprised and started to stutter.

"W-what?! No I'm not!" He said. Nomi chuckled.

"You're a terrible liar, Randy. It's me, Nomicon." He said showing his necklace that only Nomicon had. Randy smiled.

"Woah. T-thank you for yesterday, then. Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked. Nomi smile.

"Be my friend?" He asked, stick out his hand. Randy accepted.

"Friends." He blushed a bit as he smiled. Nomi blush too.

"Maybe one day, we'll be more than that."

RC9GN Randicon One Shotz AU (2)Where stories live. Discover now