Dead AU

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This is more angst than usual, don't know why. Enjoy though.
Remember when I told you
"No matter where I go
I'll never leave your side
You will never be alone"
Even when we go through changes
Even when we're old
Remember that I told you
I'll find my way back home.

Nomi sang as he sat down in front of the grave in front of him. Breeze flows through, making his bright red hair flows through it. His eyes shows tears of sadness and regret in him. He placed a blue flower on the grave, as a gift for the dead person. Who is it, you wondered. Well, who else?

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Randy. It was all my fault." Nomi said as he cried again. Ever since Randy's unexpected death to save everyone from getting hurt, he hasn't stop himself from blaming his fault and became a total suicidal maniac. He ate pills, cut his hair and hurt himself, just to make the grief go away. Nomi usually meditates but now it's not enough. He didn't eat well and he barely smiles anymore.  Everyone at school got worried of him. He wasn't himself. There will be time Nomi would bang himself besides the locker without even him realizing it.

As Nomi teared up from his grief of losing Randy, a soul nearby looked at him from afar. It smiles as it walks towards Nomi, hugging him from behind. It saw the flower and picked it up gently. After looking at it for a brief moment, it placed the flower in it's hair and smiled. Nomi look up after noticing the flower is now gone.

"Randy?" He asked as he looked around. No one is there. Who took the flower? He then felt an odd breeze and turned back at the grave, seeing a soul floating in front of him. 


Purple hair, blue eyes and a white robe covering his body. He has wings and a halo floating over his head. He looked, angelically magnificent. Nomi was so focus looking at the soul, he didn't realize that the soul was calling for him.

"Nomi, can you hear me?" Randy asked once more, waving his hand to get Nomi's attention. It wasn't easy because Nomi will always focus and never lose it. Once Nomi snapped out of it he started to tear up again.

"R-Randy I'm sorry... I couldn't save you I-" his words got cut of by Randy placing his fingers on Nomi's lips. He smiles as he get closer to Nomi, chuckling a bit.

"Nomi it's okay. It was my choice on doing this. Remember what you say, 'A Ninja's journey will be chosen by the choices of its own choosing.' I choose to save everyone and karma got me. Besides, it's not that lonely up at the above but I always miss you." He explained and hugged Nomi sweetly. Nomi blushed at it and smiled.

"You know I loved you right?" He asked. Randy nod.

"Yeah, I know." He smiled back. Nomi then thought a bit.

"Hey, Randy. Why don't you come with me? I want to show you something." Nomi asked, offering his hand as he got up. Randy took it and float next to Nomi.

"Lead the way." He said.

They both walked back to Randy's house, and it looked pristine. Did Nomi took care of it? He wasn't sure. They both went in and saw plenty of Nomi's friends, even Howard and Debbie. Randy was happy that Nomi is finally being social again.

"Nomi, you're back early. Usually you stayed there until late night..." Theresa said as she serves up dinner. She saw Nomi as her own brother after Uncle Bruce took her in. Nomi also sees Theresa as his sister, she acted like his twin sister in the past. Memories...

"Sorry, Theresa. I decided to try and come early." He replied. Theresa nod and called the others to come down. Steven, Heidi and two children went to sit down with Theresa. Howard and Debbie were asleep for now.

"Um, where's Uncle Bruce?" Nomi asked. Theresa shrugged.

"Dunno, he's been out lately. You know him." She replied, eating dinner. Nomi nod in understanding as he signaled Randy to follow him. No one can see Randy? That's weird. They went into Nomi's room and sat down.

"Randy, how come the others could see or hear you?" Nomi asked. Randy sighed.

"Only with deep desires and hope of seeing me can help. This flower is a sign of desperation of you wanting me back. I came back because of it." He explained, taking out the flower and twirl it around.

"Oh, I see." Nomi said, sadly. It means their desire of meeting Randy isn't strong enough.

"Nomi, why don't you go eat first? Then you can tell me all about it later at the cemetery." Randy said with a smile. Nomi nod as he walked back downstairs to eat with his new family and friends.

"N-Nomi, I thought you don't want to eat with us..." Theresa said. He rarely eats. Everyday it's only a light snack, not a full meal.

"Sorry, Theresa. There's a force telling me that Randy is watching, and knowing he might kill me for not eating enough I thought maybe I should eat up." Nomi explained briefly and sat down. Theresa was happy.

"Eat as much as you like, brother!" She said. Everyone was eating happily. Randy only look at the scene from afar. Those two kids are unique. He wonder who they are.

One kid was a boy with black hair with purple highlights and a scar on his cheek. His eyes are black and mysterious, almost like Nomi. The other kid was a girl who has gorgeous brown and blue hair. Her eyes are sparkly deep blue as the ocean trench. Randy looked at the children. How cute. Soon, they all finished dinner and Nomi looked like he was taking the children with him. Nomi signal Randy to follow him.

At the cemetery, Nomi took the two kids towards Randy's gravestone. He told the kids to sit down with him.

"Kids, this grave belongs to my dearest friend, and apparently my lover if I ever had the chance to be with him. Say hi." He said. The kids were surprised. This is their supposed to be parent as well?

"Um, hi uh... Dad? Can we call him dad?" The boy asked. Nomi looked at the gravestone and saw Randy shrugged.

"Call him anything you want. Dad or... Mom." He said. Randy admit he blushed a bit from that sentence. The kids seems happy.

"Hi, mom. My name is Kuro! You and dad must have love each other if he was this desperate to see you." Kuro said jokingly, making Randy giggled as Nomi got embarrassed. The girl then spoke.

"I'm Aoi, nice to meet you, mom." She said. Randy nod. The kids couldn't seem him, that's too bad. Kuro and Aoi started to tell him about their life until they met Nomi. Apparently Nomi adopted them after they ran away from home. He first found Kuro when he was walking towards Nomi's house and Nomi found Aoi in the alleyway on a rainy night.

"Mom, we wish we can see you so that we can love you more." Kuro said. Randy can feel a strong emotion of desperation from him. Kuro... Aoi teared up as well.

"Yeah, mom. Being with Dad is cool and all, but would it be better if we all live together?" She asked. Oh Aoi, Randy thought and reached out towards the children for a hug. He wondered.

"Mom? Is that what you look like?" Kuro's voice snapped Randy into focus as the kids were staring at him. Wait, how?

"You can hear me?" Randy asked as he kneeled down. The kids nod in shock.

"C-can you see me?" He asked again. The kids nod with a smile.

"Y-you can see me! Oh kids!" He cheered as he hugged the two children. He looked at Nomi and smiled.

"You raised them well, Nomi." He said. Nomi nod.

"Anything for the kid's happiness." He said.

Randy smiled and look up. They're calling for him. He has to leave now. He looked at the family sadly.

"Sorry, guys. I have to go. But please do visit time to time." Randy said with a sad smile. Nomi understood.

"Yes, Randy. We will. Kids, say your goodbyes." He said. The kids hugged Randy before Randy faded away, leaving the family once again.

"Hey, dad?" Kuro asked.


"Will mom come back again?"

Nomi smiled.

"We will, son. We will."

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