Protect Me, Partner

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"Nomi... I'm sorry." Randy's voice was cracking, as if he was in fear. He was on his knees when Nomi's back was turned away. The redhead seems disappointed, dizzy, but  most of all, furious.

"Sorry? Sorry?! You think sorry will fix what you have created?! It's already a war out there, not a battle anymore!" Nomi yelped at him strictly, making Randy flinched by the words. He doesn't know what else to say other than apologies. Nomi huffed angrily and looked away.

"Not only you let them escape, you also let them find out your weakness! Now they're out there hunting you down while getting my memories and my information in the process! Do you not think about your actions?!" Nomi said again, almost wanting to hit Randy. But he knows better than his own actions. Randy was crying and kept begging for mercy, but Nomi didn't want to hear it anymore.

He had enough.

"You are unworthy to be a Ninja anymore. Give me the mask, or I'll make things harder than it is." He said as he extended his hand towards Randy, who was shocked.

What? Giving up being a Ninja? Randy doesn't want to stop being a Ninja, but if Mac Antfee taught him anything, that is that every Ninja is greedy. No matter how upset he is or how much he wants to keep his Ninja life, he has to follow Nomi's rules as part of the Nomicon. Randy hesitantly gave the mask to his teacher, who took it rather harshly.

"Leave through the door. A ninja like you is not needed. I don't want another mistake." Nomi said and left, leaving Randy feeling a sting straight through his heart. He fell down on his knees and felt his heart shattered to pieces, small fragments that are impossible to be glued back together.

"I'm sorry...!" He cried, his heart aching for forgiveness, but all he received was silence. No one else was there to comfort him. He got up weakly and slowly walked to the door, the ultimate lesson where his memories would be erased.

"I'm sorry..." Randy said his final words as he entered the door, memories being locked away forever.


Why did it hurt?

Nomi looks at the mask he was holding after taking it rather harshly from Randy. He knew Randy was an idiot, a shoob if that's what they wanted to call it. But why does it hurt him so much?

"Come on, Nomi. You're the Nomicon. You can't feel anything." He said to assure himself, but it didn't work. Why does it hurt so much? He looked around and chose Rachel to be the new ninja.

"Nomicon, I'm still new. How am I gonna go through this fight?" She asked hesitantly. Nomi knew what he had done was a big mistake. He shouldn't have picked a new ninja. Instead, he should be the one to fight the battle there.

Why did he do this?

"I'm sorry, Rachel. I... I've been delusional. I don't know what to do now." Nomi said, looking down in guilt and shame. Rachel understood him and decided to fight anyway.

"I'll go there and learn as I do. You need to find the previous Ninja before me and get him back. If there's anyone who can fix this, it is him." She said and rushed to the battlefield, leaving Nomi to think about it.

"She has a point." Nomi thought a bit. Why did he leave just like it? Now he has to find Randy and get him back. Who knows where he could be right now! Nomi rushed towards the school ground and searched for that purple hair boy. He needs him. No, Norrisville needs him!

Randy woke up, feeling lightheaded before realising where he was. A meadow. Huh, this place looks familiar. Where have he seen this meadow? He got up from his spot and looked around the place. It's calm, clean, and peaceful. Ah, such a beautiful place.

Randy sat down and looked at the view laid for him. Huh, it's very peaceful. Maybe he should hang out here with Howard later. He was gonna stand up but was pushed down by a stranger with a cowboy hat. Isn't he a bus driver? He's practically everywhere.

"W-what the-?!" Randy yelped as he looked at the guy. Why is he here? And why is he wearing a cowboy hat?

"Sorry, kiddo. I just gotta get ya first before someone else did." He said, chuckling in the process. Randy felt an odd shiver down his spine, feeling fear of fear swallowing him whole.

"W-what do you want from me?!" Randy said, trying to fight back.

"Kid, calm down! I need to talk to you." The cowboy man said, letting Randy go for him to move. Randy looks at the man and sighs.

"Alright.. what do you want to talk about?" He asked, feeling uncomfortable by the man's mysterious presence.

"My name is Creep, kid." Perfect name to describe him," Randy thought.

"Here, take this." Creep hands the young boy a scroll that looked old. Not like a few years old. It's like centuries old.

"Why?" Randy asked. Creep chuckles.

"Trust me." Hesitant, Randy opened the scroll, and a flash of his memories came as a Ninja. The final memory was him being mindwiped and Nomi's angry face. His eyes went back to normal as he looked down in fear.

"W-why did you give my memories back, creep?!" Randy yelled, feeling his heart break to pieces again. Creep sighed and pats him gently.

"I have a feeling Nomi will be looking for you, so I think it's best for you two to reconcile with each other. In the end, he still cares about you." He said gently, calming the young Ninja down. Well, ex Ninja, to be more precise.

"O-okay- huh?" Randy can pick up a sound of rustling bushes nearby. He stood up and ready to fight until he saw Nomi, looking around for him. For him?

"Randy!" Nomi yelled as he got closer to him. Randy scoots back a bit, feeling a bit uncomfortable for now. I mean, how does it feel to meet someone who was harsh towards you before?

"I-I'm sorry.. I didn't know what's gotten into me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and now the whole city is gonna blow because of my selfish choices..." He explained, looking down in pure guilt. Randy couldn't tell whether or not he was telling the truth, but he knew one thing.

Nomi can't fake emotions well.

Randy looked down and decided to break the silence between them.

"Look, Nomi... I don't know if I could be okay after what happened, but I'll do my job for now." Randy said, rushing to the battlefield as the current Ninja failing to beat the Sorcerer. They both switch their places, making Randy the ninja he is.

"Alright, Sorcerer. Time to take you down." Randy said as he rushed towards the enemy, swiftly cleans up the evil mess that he made. Soon enough, the sorcerer was defeated once again.

"Hmm.." Randy looks up and jumps towards the top of a tower, where Nomi was standing there looking down at Norrisville in guilt and shame. You can see it.

"Nomi?" Randy gently calls him out to not scare his... teacher. Nomi gave a slight fake laugh. Ah, how funny. The powerful and wise stoick Nomi is weak and stupid in front of Randy's eyes.

"Ninja, no, Randy. You've been such a great Ninja while I'm here, still mourning the fact that I made the mistake of leaving you behind. How... foolish, I was." Nomi said, looking at Norrisville.

"Thank you for coming back and saving the day. As an apology, you can do whatever you want to me or the Nomicon." He said, looking at Randy in pure guilt. Ah, Randy doesn't like this.

"Nomi, I know, and I admit, I was upset when you yelled at me like that. It hurts, and it still does." He said, holding his chest. It still stings in him. Nomi looks away shamefully.

"But..." Hearing that word made Nomi look back at Randy.

"I'll still do my job as the ninja, I just need to back. What do you say, partner?" Randy offers his hand towards his teacher. He's a pacifist. No matter how badly he's hurt, he'll never get revenge. That's how it's always been. Nomi nodded and shook Randy's hand, pulling him closer to a tight embrace as tears rolled down from his eyes.

"Thank you." Nomi whimpered, finally letting his true feelings out. Randy closed his eyes gently.

"You're welcome, partner."

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