Reasons and Abandon Classroom

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Randy's P.O.V

Great, they found out. Now they'll asked me tons of questions, including Nomi! This is not good at all! I tried to run away from them but they kept coming, and Nomi managed to catch me. I was pinned against the wall and couldn't move. Why does he has to be so strong?! I know it's hot and all but damn, this is not my day.

"Randy, just answer our questions." He said. I struggled to get free from them. Why should I answer them?! After all I've done for them, saving them from the school's destruction and even sacrifice myself, they still hurt me. Why should I?

"Just answer the questions, Randy. Then I promise I'll let you go." Nomi repeated. I sighed.

"Fine. But then you'll leave me alone!" I said harshly. True I like Nomi but it's toxic between us. He's a bully.

"Now, the first question is why is your body is covered with bite marks?" He asked me, pointing at the bite marks on my neck, shoulders and my legs. Wait, legs?!

"How did you know I have some on my legs?" I asked. He sighed.

"I saw when you were in the school shower room. It looked hurt." He replied. Pervert.

"Pervert. To answer your question it was a deal with an assassin who wanted to kill you and the rest of the students. I was forced to be his 'toy' and become a mess. They grant the deal and didn't attack you until I fought back. Tengu killed him and I was saved." I explained briefly as I could without too much detail. Nomi looked surprised.

"Alright, second question. Why did you risk doing that? Don't you hate us?" He then asked, looking like he felt guilty? He's, guilty?

"I couldn't let them kill you all. I felt like I should save you instead of me." I told him truthfully, I couldn't lie at this point. He looked at me and touch my body, the bite marks to be precise. He touched it with care... He cares?

"Uh, Nomi?" I asked. He didn't hear me. I wonder what's he thinking now?

Nomi's P.O.V

So he's the one who saved us from the assassin. Now I felt more guilty. He's too kind for this world... I caressed the bite marks gently, trying to soothing out the pain he's having. These were brand new, must be yesterday or this morning. Those guys, they are never allowed to touch him. No one can touch him.

Just me.

Only me.

Only I can have him.

Randy was just looking at me, either scared or confused. I just smiled.

"Thanks for answering, Randy. As promise, I'll leave you alone." I said and left my touch from his shoulder. I was about to leave when he pulled me towards the abandon classroom. No one went there except for the naughty students.

"Uh, Randy?" I asked. What are we doing here? He locked the door. Why?

Third P.O.V

Randy pushed Nomi against the wall, his heart is beating and his mind is rushing faster than a tornado. Why did he pushed the red head in the room?!

"I- I didn't mean to do that! I'm sorry!" He said, blushing hard. Nomi was surprised and blushed lightly. This guy is getting through him hard. He pulled Randy closer to him. He couldn't help himself anymore.

"R-Randy..." He said, breathing heavily. Randy was a blushing mess.

"Nomi, shouldn't we get out of here?" He asked, scoot a bit. Nomi shook his head. 

"Right, sorry. I'll open the door." He replied. He went to the door, but it's stuck. Something must happen outside that made the door stuck like that. They can't get out.

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