Aladdin AU 4

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Imma finish this...
"I have to admit, you're more different than every other royal I've met. Have we met before though?" Randy asked as he and Nomi looked at the starry sky together. Nomi smiled as he plays with Randy's hair.

"Perhaps, who knows?" He chuckled. Randy smiled, this guy is something alright. They went back to the palace and Nomi said that he would wish to let Randy rest while he has some business to attend to.

"Good night, prince Nomi." Randy smiled, half lidded eyes.

"Sleep well, your majesty." Nomi said. They were so close to kissing that the carpet immediately act and made them kiss. The two prince continued the kiss for a while and Randy let go with a smile.

"Have a pleasant day, my prince." He said and left. Nomi fell down and feel his heart aching for more of Randy's love and comfort. But, something inside of him is telling him that this isn't right. Should he just... Tell the truth? He went towards his home and rested with Phoenix. He let genie out and gave a disappointed sigh.

"You okay, master?" Genie asked gently. Nomi look up in disappointment.

"I don't feel right. Somehow... Lying just doesn't seem to work. Is there a way for me to love him without all of... This?" He asked. Genie smiled.

"Well, you can start by telling the truth." He said and show the palace. Nomi looked as well but went shocked. The palace looked dark. Something is definitely wrong.

"Randy!" He yelled as he rushed towards the palace. The royal servant smiled wickedly as he pointed at Nomi.

"Welcome, child. I figure you'd be here. Nomi." He said evilly. Nomi knew that voice.

"Gramps?!" He yelled.

"Not too bad of a guess. It's Mac Antfee." He said with a sinister smile. Nomi saw Randy being tied up with the queen and the other servants. He was angry.

"Let them go!" He yelled. Mac Antfee chuckled.

"Why would I listen to an orphan like you, child? You're not even a real prince." He said. Randy was shocked. He's not real?

Nomi sighed as he whispered his second wish. Genie snapped his fingers and turned him into the way he is. Nomi Norisu, not Prince Nomi.

"You're... The boy who saved me." Randy said in his surprise. The one he met. He smiled at Nomi with his happiness. He had always love the real him since they first met. Good to know that he's also honest.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. I've lied. But I'll fix it." Nomi bowed in apologies and went to have a one to one battle with Mac Antfee. The man immediately tried to kill Nomi but the red head's fighting skill surpassed Randy's expectations. Soon, Mac was defeated by Nomi and all is well. Nomi immediately saved the royal family and their friends with his only strength he had left.

"I'm so sorry... It's all my fault. I should've tell you the truth from the beginning." Nomi said in his full honesty. Ruby brushed off her dress and smiled at Nomi.

"You saved us, Nomi. That's all fine. But that doesn't mean you're not getting your punishment for lying." She said with a smile. Nomi bowed.

"I won't run, your highness. But first... I have one last wish with the genie." He look at his blue friend with a smile.

"Nomi, are you serious? You wanted to marry Prince Randy-" Nomi shook his head.

"I can't anymore... The rules are rules. Randy had to marry a royal. And I promised, didn't I?" He smiled with tears in his eyes. Genie has always been his close father figure. Genie smiled as he hugged Nomi with care.

"You're the most kindest master I've ever serve." He said. Nomi smiled and hugged back before he let go and hold onto the lamp.

"Genie, I wish you are free!" He wished and the wish is granted. Genie is finally free and now can do whatever he wants. Randy was in tears after knowing Nomi's kindness but couldn't marry him.

"Nomi..." Randy walked towards him and hugged him dearly. He doesn't want to let him go. Nomi is the one person who showed him the new side of the world, something that no one had ever done before. He was honest, sincere, kind, generous and smart. He can even fight. What's not to love about him? He's everything Randy wished for.

"I wish I could marry you, Nomi." Randy said as tears flowing from his eyes. Nomi wiped away the tears and gently kiss Randy's forehead.

"Your highness, it's the honest truth. I truly love you with all my heart since I first lay eyes on you. You're amazing, beautiful, generous and everything. I didn't know you were a royal until I saw you walked towards the palace. But, we can't be together. It's the rules, your majesty." Nomi said and Randy shook his head.

"No, the rules are wrong! I don't want to marry anyone else. I don't care how rich or how mighty they are. I just want you, Nomi. You loved me for being myself, not for being a royal. You're the one who changed me to be someone that I truly want to be." Randy cried as his mom look at her son with pity. Perhaps... The rule is wrong. She wanted her son to be happy.

Nomi was surprised to see Randy like this. He immediately wipe away Randy's tears. It doesn't fit him at all.

"Your highness, please. Don't cry. Princes don't cry, unless... You truly...?" He was a bit surprised. Randy immediately kiss Nomi passionately. He doesn't want it to end. Nomi kiss back gently but slowly broke it off.

"I love you, Nomi. I love you so much." Randy cried. Nomi smiled as his tears flow from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, your highness. I love you so much. Too much." He said and let Randy go. He has to. Randy immediately cried as he run towards his room. Nomi bowed towards the queen and accidentally dropped his amulet.

"Oops, I'm sorry." He said and tried to grab it but Ruby picked it up gently.

"This amulet... Where did you get it?" She asked.

"My parents gave it and Phoenix when I was young before they died. I don't remember much really..." He said and wanted his amulet back. Ruby smiled.

"Your parents is Hinata and Takato, correct?" She asked. Nomi was surprised with Genie and the others.

"Y-yes. How did you-"

"I've crafted this amulet, dear. Your parents are one of the most kindest and strongest warriors. I owed them a lot." She explained and think for a bit.

"I know what your punishment is."

With Randy.

"Randy, it's okay..." Debbie said as she tries to cheer Randy up. Theresa gently brush Randy's hair while Heidi helped clean his room for a bit.

"Girls... What do you do if the one you love is one of the forbidden...?" Randy asked. The girls doesn't have an answer.

"We're sorry, we don't know." They said. Ruby came into the room and smiled at her son.

"Randy, I have a surprise for you." She said. After that incident, there's no way Randy wanted more surprises. All he wants is Nomi.

"What it is, mom...?" He asked as he look up and was shock.

Nomi standing there with flowers in his hand, smiling generously. Randy went towards him and checked. No marks, no nothing.


"Sweety, meet your new husband. Nomi Norisu." Ruby said with a smile. Randy smiled as he kissed Nomi faster than a blink of an eye.

"Thank you, mom!" He said filled with joy. Nomi laughed and everyone prepared their wedding. Nomi gently brought Randy on the magic carpet and flew with him to the sky.

"A whole new world." Nomi sang. Randy smiled.

"A whole new world." He continued. Nomi chuckled as he looked at Randy through the eyes.

"For you and me." They say and finally kiss under the moonlight that they always wanted. Finally, the ending that they always wanted.

The end.

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