Reincarnation Life

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"Hey, Nomi! Look at this!" A little boy called out to a younger Nomi in his old japanese style clothing, looking at the object the boy showed. It was a purple and shades of red flower, a rare one to say the least. Nomi looked at it with an amazed look on his face.

"It's very pretty." He said. The other boy nod in agreement.

"Yeah, maybe this can be us. A beautiful combination. It's a rare one." He said happily. Nomi blushed at the statement but smiled at it. That sounded very nice.

"Maybe we will, Randall.". Nomi said formally. He is from a nobel family so he has to be formal. Randall shook his head.

"Nomi, I told you to just call me Randy!" He said with a cute pout. Nomi chuckled.

"I know, but I have to be formal." He explained. Randy giggled a bit as he look at the sky above him. His mind started to wonder and decided to go with the flow.

"Nomi, can you promise me something?" He asked Nomi, sounding serious. Nomi can hear it.

"Promise you what?" He asked back to be sure. He face towards Randy who's still looking at the sky.

"When I'm gone, will you promise to move on from me?" Randy asked, then turned his head back at Nomi for his answers. Nomi wasn't sure how to answer it. He knew that he has to be honest.

"I, I don't know to be honest. I may not be able to move on but I can try..." He said, and Randy smiled sadly.

"Thank you, Nomi." He lay his head on Nomi's shoulder, resting for a while. Nomi was still thinking about the words. Moving on will be hard, but he has to promise the smaller boy for it.

Of course, he didn't thought it will be soon.

"Randy, please stay strong! They're trying to heal you!" Nomi encouraged the boy, who's sweating hard and breathing heavily. His heartbeat is dropping fast.

"Nomi..." Randy called out. Nomi didn't want Randy to leave him. Not yet!

"Randy, hang in there!" He said, holding Randy's hand in desperation. No, no no no no no, don't go Randy!

"I'm sorry, Nomi. Remember our promise. Please." Randy smiled at him before his final breath as he closed his eyes in peace.


Nomi didn't want Randy to leave him. He couldn't do it.


The body was being buried and was surrounded by flowers and memorials.


The family pray for his happiness and hope for the best in the after life.


Nomi was still there, crying hard at the lost of his best friend, and his crush.


"Gah!!!" Nomi got up from his nightmare. No, it was a memory. He was sweating hard. He turned to his right to see Randy sleeping peacefully next to him. His ninja. That accident, it happen 800 years ago before he was cursed. That boy... He was Nomi's lover. Well, suppose to be. He sighed as he got up gently. He didn't notice that someone was watching him leave the room until the door was closed.

Nomi walked downstairs, seeing Randy's mother working. What time is it now? He look at the wall and saw the clock, 12:35 am. It's the middle of the night. He walked towards her with care.

"Miss, you should be resting. I can help cleaning it up." He said. The woman has baggy eyes and a messy hair. She nod tiredly and let Nomi to help her before she left towards her room. Nomi grabbed a cup and filled it with warm water. He drank it whole up in one gulp. He looked tired and scared.

"I have to move on..." He said to himself. He couldn't sleep, not like he need it anyway. But somehow, he really couldn't. He looked in the fridge and saw a box filled with dates. He took a few pieces and dipped some in melted chocolate he had made earlier. It tastes very good. He ate one and threw away the seed, continuing his late night snack.

"Why are you up, Nomi?" A voice was heard and it was Randy, leaning against the wall. He walked inside and sat next to Nomi, curious on why his teacher is up.

"Just nightmares, maybe recent memories." He simply said. Randy nod.

"Mind telling me about it?" He asked, took a cup and filled it with warm milk. Nomi sighed.

"Randy, just because I'm your teacher doesn't mean I'm your friend." Nomi warned. But Randy wasn't accepting it as an answer to his question.

"And just because of that it doesn't mean I don't care for you." He simply fought back. Nomi was speechless.


"No, Nomi. You're telling me about it or you'll stay in the Nomicon that was drawn all over." Randy said again. Howard managed to destroy Nomi's only life source, and now he has to stay human while the Nomicon book is being clean and dried. Some was permanent. Some was washable.

"Fine, I was dreaming about my childhood 800 years ago before the cursed come upon me. He was a special person to me. Lovable, kind, sweet, smart and willing to risk anything for anyone. He was amazing before he died. I promised him that I'll move on from him but clearly I couldn't." He explained. Randy understood that feeling somehow. He made Nomi to look at his through his eyes.

"Nomi, life moves before your eyes. The past is now the past, and you need to go forward without the pain from it. I understand it's very important, but better for you to move on to the light instead of going back to the chains of darkness. Yeah, I'm using riddles, thought you might want it too." He said, drinking his milk slowly. Nomi was surprised by Randy's words. He was right.

"My, you've learned a lot from my riddles huh? I guess you're right. Thanks, Randy." Nomi said and finished his snacks. Randy chuckeld.

"You never changed, Nomi." Randy said quietly but Nomi could hear it, barely.

"What was that?" He asked. Randy shook his head.

"No, it's nothing. Come on, let's go to bed. I'll let you sleep on my spot." He simply said as they both left the kitchen and went to their bedroom. Nomi rested as Randy move next to him. He pulled himself closer to Nomi and closed his eyes.

"I'm here, Nomi. I love you." He said and fell asleep. Nomi was blushing and smiled happily for once. He kissed Randy's forehead with care.

"Thank you, Randy. For everything." He said and closed his eyes, starting to break his chains of the past and moving on from it. The life of the previous Randy smiled at him happily before going back to the current Randy. They look alike.

"Thanks for the assist." The past Randy said. The current one smiled.

"Anything for him."

They both separate as they continued their life on their own path, especially the current Randy and Nomi together.

May they live together as love spread through them sweetly.

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