Aquarium Date

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Sandy ground.

Underwater journey.

It's very romantic to bring your lover to the aquarium or beach to see the beautiful water and the light that reflect from the sea. It's magnificent. For an aquarium, it felt like your underwater, being part with the beautiful and unique ocean creatures there. Well, not always.

Randy wanted to bring Nomi to the aquarium for their biology project and they both agreed on marine creatures. The problem is, Randy didn't know that Nomi has a slight fear of water and fish. That problem revealed by accident at the aquarium but things has been handling fine. Here's how that story started.

2 days ago...

"So, Nomi? How about the biology project? What animal should we do?" Randy asked as he took a few books on biology topic. None of it peaks his interest yet. Nomi looked at Randy dead eyes, showing his tiredness from yesterday's attack. Randy has those eyes as well, but he wasn't sure if he can managed it in time.

"I don't know, chickens?" Nomi randomly picked an animal that came in mind. Randy got triggered.

"Oh heck no! I can list out almost anything about my one true fear and I ain't gonna do that!" He said, shaking and trembling. Nomi thought it looks cute.

"Oh yeah, like what?" He asked. Randy looked at him with fear in his eyes.

"Don't you know that chickens has more bones in their neck than a giraffe?! And the fact the eyes shows darkness?!" He said a bit fast. Nomi was a bit surprised.

"Okay okay, we won't do chickens or roosters. Anything you have in mind?" He asked then, picking up a book. Randy then look at a blue book with a fish on it. His eyes glimmered.

"How about marine creatures?" He asked. Nomi shuddered.

"Uh, are you sure there's something else besides fish?" He asked, sweating a bit. Randy huffed.

"But Nomi, it's our only choice left. Besides, they're just marine creatures. It should be good enough. Wait... Are you scared of it?" Randy asked, smirking.

"W-what?! No I don't! Fine, we'll do marine creatures. The aquarium, right? We can know about them there." Nomi said, opening a book of an aquarium close by. Randy smiled happily.

"Alright, fishy fish! I'm coming!" He said excitedly, not realizing that Nomi just made a memo saying that Randy has an unwanted death wish.

2 days later, they arrived at the aquarium. It is filled with many people but mostly lovers. They got awkward but they decided to just go with the flow. Looking around the room and aquarium they discovered more about the marine creatures for their project. Soon, they have all the information needed and decided to spend the time together there for a while until it closes. Nomi got scared a bit when he saw a fish looking at him dead eyes, and turns out it was dead anyway.

Randy didn't thought that Nomi has fear of water but then again he was cursed into a book, so it made sense. They both arrived at the dolphin performance and seeing the amazing mammals doing their thing. But they should've bring the umbrella because the dolphin splash the water and it hits Nomi hard. He was screaming in pain inside of him, but Randy knew it hurt.

"Nomi, hang in there! Is there anyone with a dry towel?!" Randy asked as the guards gave Nomi a dry towel to dry himself.

"Are you okay now, Nomi?" Randy asked dearly. He was concerned. Nomi smiled a bit.

"I'm okay, Randy. I'm sorry I never tell you this. I felt it might be obvious." He said apologetically. Randy hugged Nomi to forgive him, and Nomi got the message. They both dried him off and let him to leave the aquarium because of his condition. Nomi felt guilty for Randy who has been enjoying the hangout for a while.

"Sorry, Randy." Nomi said but Randy chuckled. He pulled Nomi closer to him and placed his head on Nomi's chest.

"I'm okay as long as you're here, Nomi. So next time, please do tell me whenever you feel like it? It's a way to prevent from another accident." He said giggling. Nomi chuckled and hugged Randy tightly.

"Thanks, Randy."

"No problem, I enjoyed our date anyway- wait..." Randy then realized why he said, and stopped as he blushed hard at it. Nomi chuckled slightly and kissed Randy's forehead with care.

"Yeah, I enjoyed that too." He said and continued walking with Randy hand in hand. They enjoyed the time they had despite knowing that they just went through a rough day. But what can you do? Love is love after all.

Love it love. Boom, deep.

-Branch from Trolls World Tour

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