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Once upon a time, he lives a family of ninjas. Each has a special gift, which they use for the peace and kindness of the village they created. The family are the leaders of the village and are responsible for the peace of their fellow villagers.

Each of the family has a special gift of their own, a talent they have that reveals once the time was right. There were 10 members of the family, but one of them was cast out by the villagers. He can only visit the family quietly, now known to himself as The Messenger or The Creep.

The family is full of talented warriors and brave and heroic ninjas. The father was the leader, the mother was a healer, and their children were a warrior, an idol, a listener, an animal tamer, and a chameleon. Their grandfather is wise, filled with wisdom and knowledge.

But, there are only 8 of them. Where's the 9th? Well.. he's the third child. A child with no gift. He does not want to be named, but he was the reason the family started to fall apart. He was young, but he understood who he was.

A failure.

Day by day, his brother will torment him, calling him unworthy to be a Ninja. The child begged for his love and care, only to be pushed away. Everyone in the family cares for him, but slowly, his heart is lost. His feelings are no more. He was broken, and there was nothing to fix it.

One night on a full moon, the child spoke with his grandfather, who was meditating calmly. The stars were twinkling in the sky, giving a gorgeous artwork of nature. By instinct, the child spoke.

"Grandfather, am I special?" He asked. The grandfather smiled.

"Everyone is special, child. You are very special as well." He replied, his eyes still closed from his meditation. The child wondered.

"What is so special about me? I'm nothing." The child said, looking down in sorrow. The grandfather points at the stars in the sky.

"See those stars, child? Each one has its light to shine for us to see, to feel, to care. But it only comes at night. Just like you, by the time it comes, you'll show your true talent."

Those words stuck with him, and thus, he began to learn, to accept himself. He doesn't mind his constant torment from his brother. He knew who he was. He started to live his own life but still care for his family.

But tragedy started before his story ended.

A war breaks up, and a powerful sorcerer attacks the villagers. The child wasn't aware, for he was far away from the village to calm himself. When he saw the war, he sprints as fast as he could to save his family, but it was too late.

The ninjas are all down, blood soaked through their clothes and no life in their eyes. The child fell onto his knees, looking at the corpses lying out in front of him. The Sorcerer laughed, calling the family weak. The child snapped.

Filled with anger and agony, he attacks the Sorcerer and traps him underground with the help of a companion. But the Sorcerer wasn't letting the child get away with it. He cast a spell onto the child, making him immortal. He can never achieve his death and will live forever as long as the Sorcerer is alive.

The child screamed as the spell fused his soul with a book he always carried without, what he called the Nomicon. His friend witnessed the spellbinding. The child now has red hair and is full of emptiness. His eyes are dull, with no life, and yet he's still alive. His friend, his only companion, cares for him. But it was only a matter of time before he'll leave.

The Messenger came towards the child and offered assistance to him. The Messenger managed to flee from the war to try and find him. Now, here he is. The child agreed and went by a new name.

Nomi Norisu.

Years later...

Nomi looms over Norrisville, once his home, and was now rebuilt into a new, modern city. Big techs around, little to no care of safety. Everyone, at least at some point, made Nomi feel like the humans are stupid. A worthless creature.

He looks beside him and sees a figure of a teen. He knew the teen, Randy Cunningham, the new ninja he chose. He was... interesting, to say the least. His weird purple hair blends well with his blue bell eyes. He's beautiful yet stupid. How stupid is he? He tries to slice a bulldozer. That's the level of stupidity he has. But he's not so bad. A quick learner, indeed.

"Yo, Nomi! I already did my training, can we rest?" Randy asked, fell down tiredly.
Nomi sighed at the ninja's attitude. He can't blame him, tho. It's already late, and the Ninja needs his rest. Nomi nods as an approval. Randy gets out of the Nomicon and lies down on his bed. He looks at the ceiling before looking at the Nomicon once more. He took the book and hugged it gently.

"Hey, Nomi. Am I special?"

Nomi froze, didn't answer. Is he special? He's not sure. Nomi looks down before drawing doodles for Randy to distract himself. But it doesn't work now.

"Nomi, I'm serious. Am I that special to be chosen as a Ninja? You could've chosen millions of people, and I'm your choice. Why did you choose me?" Randy asked again. Nomi sighed before turning the Nomicon into a body, a body that he could possess. Randy stops hugging him at the moment.

"I chose you because you have a hero's heart. You know what's right and wrong. I admit you can be stupid, but you are willing to learn despite it. That's what makes you a great Ninja." Nomi explained, thinking about Randy's achievements. Randy smiled a bit before laying back down.

"Thanks, Nomi. I needed to hear that." He said. Nomi nods before laying down with him as well. When was the last time he rested? He can't remember. It was a long time ago. Randy looks at Nomi and snuggles him gently, making the other guy jump surprised.

"Rest, Nomi. You need it." It was just words, yet it felt like a spell that made Nomi feel sleepy and tired. Soon enough, all he saw was darkness in his slumber.

Both of them woke up to see the sun shining through the windows. It's the weekend, so thereno need for school. Nomi looks at the clock, 7:30 am. It's a bit late for his taste, but he let it off for today. He got down from the bed and looked at the sleeping Randy. He let a small smile out before prepping breakfast for both of them.

"Good morning." Randy said tiredly as he got down. Nomi made some toast and eggs, with strips of beef bacon next to it. Smells delicious. Randy sat down next to Nomi and ate his breakfast with him. Nomi felt a sudden bolt inside of him that made his cheeks red. What was that?

"Thanks for the food, Nomi!" Randy said happily before kissing Nomi's cheeks and went out to play at the game hole. Nomi felt stunned, and his heart beat faster. Wait, what was that emotion he felt? It felt good and giddy? Nomi wasn't sure. Soon enough, another set of footsteps came.

"Nomi, you're up late than usual." Randy's mother, Ruby said with care. Nomi bows as respect to her. Ruby smiles and ate her breakfast.

"Is there something you'd like to talk about, Nomi?" She asked gently. Nomi nods before sitting back down.

"I.. I felt this weird feeling in my chest whenever Randy was near me. Whenever I see him smiling, or happy, or something like that, I feel weird. This weird heartbeat beats faster, and I feel like I want to be closer to him." He explained. Ruby smiles.

"Nomi, that's love. You have a crush on my son." She said happily. Nomi felt his cheeks turn red again. Love, huh? He had never felt love since 800 years ago. Nomi fidgets his fingers in wonder.

"Mrs Ruby, what should I do with it?" He asked. Ruby looks at Nomi confused.

"What do you mean, dear? Love is something you should hold on for yourself. It's not supposed to be thrown away." She said with a smile. Nomi looks at his hands and agrees.

"Alright, thank you, Mrs Ruby." He said and went to find Randy. He may not be able to feel this again, so he might as well learn more about it.

His love for Randy.

Who would've thought?

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