Wish Me Luck

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"Randy, are you sure about this?" Nomi's voice was low, sounded worried, and wasn't sure about Randy's 'idea' to beat the most dangerous challenge no ninja dared to do.

Not even First Ninja.

"Relax, Nomi. I can do this. Just give me a chance." Randy's voice is reassuring, relaxing his teacher as much as possible. Nomi sighed and nods opened the door to the most dangerous challenge.

A road of nothingness. No light, just darkness. But loom the darkness are fears, agonizing screams, pain, and life-threatening attacks. Nomi is afraid because what ends the path is the one prize all ninjas didn't expect. But Randy wants to get in there and receive it.

"Randy..." Nomi tries to stop him but the young ninja is very determined. Randy put on his ninja suit and went inside. Bit by bit, almost getting attacked he focused on what was in store for him. Dodging, attacking, jumping, everything. Nomi was amazed by Randy's skill. He may be the first ninja to ever go far.

"Such an impressive ninja, Nomi. Do you think he can get what you've lost?" First Ninja asked, appearing behind the redhead. Nomi nods his head gently, thinking about the safety of his students. 

"He has potential that no ninjas I've taught had. He might be able to do this." Nomi smiled, looking through the darkness. No injury on that ninja, and he's almost there! 

"Aha! There it is!" Randy grabbed the prize and was about to go back to where he started when a hand held his shoulder, gripping him hard.

"Let go!" Randy rushed and ran towards the exit, arriving there with new scars, injuries, and fear in his eyes. Nomi healed him as much as he could and saw Randy's clenched hand. Did he grab it?

"Randy..." Nomi asked, hope in his eyes. Randy smiled and opened his hand, revealing a ring. A golden ring with a ruby jewel, carved in it was three simple words.

I Love You

Nomi smiled, wearing the ring, and teared up in joy. He took Randy to a relaxing and calming area so he can rest from that dark journey. As they sat down, enjoying the breeze, Nomi felt the urge to hold Randy close. What he did was the bravest thing he has ever done. There's no doubt about it. Randy noticed Nomi's calming gaze and smiled, hugging his teacher even tho he felt weak to do so. Nomi hugged him back gently, caressing his student with love.

"Randy, what you did was something even I fear to go. My fear, my past, my trauma. I never wish to go there and yet, you did. I never admired more than what you did." Nomi said, brushing his student's hair gently. Randy purred at the love and care Nomi gave. It's peaceful.

"Anything for you, Nomicool," Randy said and his smile sealed everything. Nomi has the urge to kiss him but refrains himself to do so. Maybe he should wait a little bit longer. Wouldn't it be more romantic?

Apparently yeah.

The bells rang as two newly wedded people holding hands, kissing each other with love and passion. Nomi smiled and carries his new husband in his arm, while Randy laughed with joy. Everyone was overjoyed, seeing their friends together. Howard, being the guy he is tried to avoid Nomi as much as he could but still congratulate him for finally finding a lover.

"Thanks for being there, Howard," Randy said, hugging his best friend gently. Howard shrugged and pat Randy's back.

"Just make sure to visit Debbie and me, okay?" Howard said with a smirk and they both fist-bumped, something that Nomi won't understand for a while. The night comes by as they both shared their love on their bed.

You already know what I meant.

3 months later, a new angel came. Randy and Nomi saw 4 children who they wish to adopt, and they did. Kuro, Aoi, Akai, and Shira, are 4 children in the new ninja family. Each has a special ability that they can use for ninja training. Fire manipulation, water bending, snow forming, and darkness control. Kuro hated to control the darkness but it's the power that he was chosen to control. Nomi helped as much as he could while being the parent that he often hoped to be.

"Father, Dad, can you tell us about the ninja history?" Kuro always asked that as a bedtime story, and Nomi is more than happy to talk about it. Randy was overjoyed by the fact that the children will be the new future ninjas, he was happier than ever.


"Howard, should I tell him?" Nomi asked, holding a box he wished to give to Randy. Howard shrugged as he drank his tea.

"It's your anniversary with him, so go for it." He said and left easily. Nomi sighed and comes back home to see Randy on the sofa breathing heavily.

"Randy?" He asked as he got closer. Randy smiled weakly. 

"Hey, love."

Those were the final words that Nomi hears every time he visits the graveyard with his children. But he wasn't sad. He just kept his emotions in because he knew he can still see his lover again forever. Returning home after sending the kids to bed, he visits the Nomicon, a ghost awaits him.

"Nomi!" Randy's soul hugs Nomi, who happily hugs him back. Together, they walk around and relaxed, smiling together and living together with the children.

The future that they desire.

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