Talk with Self

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"What are you doing here?" The ninja asked as Randy appeared in the void of darkness. Randy looked chained up and seemed to be helpless for the time. His eyes are red, he wondered why.

"I felt I need to talk to someone." He said, his voice clearly shown he's been crying too much. A crybaby, but at least he released it. Ninja walked forward and broke the chain for him to stand firmly. Randy stood up.

"You know I only exist when you put down the mask." The ninja said in slight confusion. Randy nod.

"I know, but I heard talking to yourself might be good." He reply. They both walked down the empty void together.

"So, what happen to you?" Ninja asked, breaking the silence. Randy huffed.

"What happens when you loose a friend? Like Howard." He asked. Ninja then understood.

"Howard left you?" He asked. Randy teared up again. The streams of tears flows down from his eyes as it hits the ground and he felt hurt again. Deja vu, he said to himself.

"He got cancer and he won't make it. He's my only friend, Ninja! How can I cope with it?!" He asked ferociously as he fell down on his knees. He continued to cry and cry again. Ninja sighed and hugged him dearly.

"All that lives will die, I know it hurts but you must try to move on. Talking to me won't do much and you need more friends. Why don't you talk with someone?" He asked. Randy shook his head no.

"I don't have anyone else..." He said. His mother died with his father so what can he do? He has no siblings or cousins or anyone related to him. Ninja took his hand and looked at him deep in the eyes.

"Move on. It hurts but you have no choice now. Continue your journey without him." He said. Randy only nod his head.

"I have to do patrol now. I'll try talking to Nomicon for advices. Be right back okay?" Ninja said and Randy woke up. He put on the mask and jumped from building to building. Huh, seems normal. He saw Nomicon meditating on the rooftop again. Classic.

"Hey, Nomicon." He said. Nomicon nod.

"Greetings, Ninja. How are you?" He asked. The ninja just shrugged.

"Nothing much. Just dealing with a deep pain from my citizen self." He said, no emotion to show. His citizen self is crying in the inside of his heart, and the way to calm him down is to talk to them.

"What are you talking about, Ninja?" Nomicon asked. Citizen self? They talked together? How does that work? Doesn't that mean talking to yourself?

"Apparently it's the only way to cope with every single thing that happen to either of us. Since we're one of the same, we understood each other pretty well." He explained a bit. Nomicon couldn't help but feeling sorry.

"Ninja, that means talking to yourself..." He said. Ninja smiled.

"No, it means consulting it together. Since there's no attack, I should go home now." He said. Nomicon sighed and stood up. He pecked a small kiss on the smaller male's head and smiled sadly.

"Ninja, be safe." He said. Ninja was shook by it. He didn't know what just happen for a moment before he blushed and went home. He turned back into his citizen self and started talking to him.

"Hey, Randy." He said. Randy smiled with a sniffle.

"Hey..." He said. Ninja lower down to smile at him.

"I'm here, don't worry." He said. They both hugged each other before Randy leave to go to school. He rushed there quickly only to see Howard's sister crying.

"Heidi what happen?" He asked worriedly. Heidi look at the purple hair boy and sighed.

"He's gone." She said.

Two words. It was just two words and yet it hits him like a wreaking ball. He was stunned and fell down, his tears flows and he can't redeem himself anymore. Green stank started to fuse with him but his ninja self doesn't let it. Soon, a certain redhead came and hugged him from behind.


"N-Nomi?" He asked. Nomi smiled.

"I'm here, don't worry." He said. Randy gave in and cried in his jacket, it stained but Nomi didn't care. His friend needs him.

"Don't be sad anymore, Randy. Look at the future for now. Don't look back at the past." He said, as a guidance. Randy smiled.

"I'll try..." He said. Soon, they both got closer and Randy still remembers the pain. But he knows that it might get better. His ninja self decided to talk with him on one of the nights.

"Randy, my time as a ninja is almost up..." He said. Randy knew the pain but it hurts him still. He's gonna lose someone else now and it's his other self.

"I'll miss you..." He said. The ninja nod and faded away, leaving the poor boy alone in the darkness of the empty void, now a lot more quieter than before.

"I can't do this..." He said. He stood up and got back to the real world, only to see Nomicon standing in his room.

"Oh, Nomicon?" He asked. Nomicon sighed.

"Hello, Randall. Looks like your ninja duty is up. I need to mind wipe you from him. Ready?" He asked. Randy nod.

"Ready." He said, tears flowing from his eyes. Nomicon knew he's in pain.

"It's all gonna be quick." He said and Randy got mind wiped. The poor boy's body was place on the bed gently before the teacher of Norrisville left.

A few years later...

It really is the end. He looked at the body of a purple hair boy, soaked in blood and lifeless. That's him. But why... Is he dead? He look up and saw a tall building. He float to the top and saw his jacket.

"I died..." He said. He saw Nomi rushing at him crying in tears. Randy smiled and decided to pay a visit for Nomi. In Nomi's mind was a white void, empty and only Nomi was there, meditating.

"Hello Nomi." Randy said. Nomi saw Randy's soul and cries again.

"Hey, Randy. I missed you." He said. Randy smiled.

"I'm still here. I'll stay with you until death do us apart!" He said giggling. Nomi got up and kissed the soul's forehead, leaning closer.

"Till death do us apart... What is this a wedding?" He asked and they both laughed it off. Nomi smiled and hugged Randy again, closer and closer.

"I'd love that." He said. Randy smiled and hugged back the taller male.


.... What now?"

RC9GN Randicon One Shotz AU (2)Where stories live. Discover now